Computer Preference


Staff member
What do you prefer to work on? A desktop or a laptop??

I LOVE my laptop and can't ever see myself going back. When I get a new computer I plan for it to be another laptop...that'll be a few years from now...but still...laptops save so much space and are SO portable.

When I have kids I think I'll probably get a desktop for them to have as their computer since I am WAY overly protective of my computer...MY computer is MY computer. Even when I live with someone I don't plan to share. MINE MINE MINE. I like my computer a certain way and I don't like people fooling with it.
I prefer working on a computer that actually works. :mope:

I have practically no experience with a laptop, all I know is that I desperately want one.
Starya said:
I have practically no experience with a laptop, all I know is that I desperately want one.

I was in your shoes 2 years ago...I've had my baby for a year and a half or so decission EVER
i looooove my laptop, but there's nothing like a big clunky desktop/tower setup.

then again, i'm a freak who often prefers clunkier technology to smaller sleeker models.
I like the fact its hard to misplace a Desktop ,a Laptop I'd always be worried about it being stolen.That being said I'd really like a Laptop for ease of working on others comps,I could have everything I need on the Lappy and wouldn't need to carry a bunch of CDs ,add an external HD enclosure and backing up their HD would be a snap.The price is falling so much on Laptops I may pick one up with my Tax Return in March.
These days I only use laptop, I need to carry it with me, and synchronizing the data with a desktop is just a plain waste of time.

At home I use the laptop with an external keyboard, mouse and soundcard. (as you can see in the desktop thread)
I have a laptop at work and never take it out of the docking station. I can't stand typing on laptop keyboards and refuse to use the integrated mouse or nipple.
The desktops last longer. My bro's wrecked up 2 laptops already and my mom's wrecked one (her work one, cost her $200, not too bad but it's not worth that now). I do like the laptops for wifi and at my bowling tournaments inputting scores as they're handed to me. On the easy tournaments, I bring my laser printer with and post results within minutes after each squad. I have 30 days to do it, but why not do it in 30 minutes? :D
I've toyed around with the idea of turning on the wi-fi on my router and getting a laptop so I could move about the apartment... and then I remembered two things: 1) My apartment is about 15 square feet and 2) I really should save my cashola for other stuff.

I've already got two desktop systems and on occasion I'll remember I wanted to check something in the middle of the night so I just use the bedroom computer instead of walking all the way to the living room.
HomeLAN said:
Desktop. I've yet to see a lappy that was truly suitable for gaming.

Ditto, although it is easier to haul a lappy around that a desktop if we are getting a LAN set up. Any hints on near-decent laptops would be greatly appreciated :)
I've used and gotten used to pretty much everything the market has to offer. I don't game much, and burnt the fingerprints off my index fingers snuffing cigs as a youth, so trackpads work very well for me. The keyboard clit I like since I can keep my hands in the home position. I actually had an old 386 laptop that had the mouse controls as wobbly G and H keys.
Desktops for the price/performance ratio...though I will eventually have to get myself a decent laptop for portability. As is, if I do freelance work, I have to save stuff to my flash-card, take it with me to the 'customer', and ask to borrow one of their computers to show off my stuff. At their risk (in their opinion) should my flash-card have a virus.

I'd rather be able to open up my files on my own laptop.

I'd also prefer a tablet-PC over a laptop anyday. More expensive, but the touch-screen capabilities are a BIG plus!
Desktop. I work in the architectural feild so I need something that can handle large CAD files, store alot of drawing files, etc and I love the 28" flat screen LCD moinitar my boss got me :D Also do alot of 2d and 3d rendering, photoshop, etc and my labtop my boss got me to take out of the office on the job site...crashed numerous times because it just cant handle what i require.
Panoramic World said:
Desktop. I work in the architectural feild so I need something that can handle large CAD files, store alot of drawing files, etc and I love the 28" flat screen LCD moinitar my boss got me :D Also do alot of 2d and 3d rendering, photoshop, etc and my labtop my boss got me to take out of the office on the job site...crashed numerous times because it just cant handle what i require.
Which is basically my issue with laptops. To get one that'll handle the pshop files that I work with without either crashing or slowing down to a freeze...I better be ready to spend some serious coin.

Arent' CAD files fun?!? I did a freelance gig with a Montreal Architectural firm. Straight page-layout for a job they wanted. The machines they were using in that office :drool:
Panoramic World said:
CAD is soooo fun. Amazing how much its has come along since the late 80's.
Yeah...I would've loved to have gotten a chance to play with Technical Design in HS, but I lost the lottery and got placed in Wood Working instead :(

I was just stunned when one of the techs walked me through a floor, layer by layer, from electrical to plumbing, support structures, ventilation, etc etc... To think that it was all done by hand a few decades ago :eek: