Conan O'Brian Insults Canada


Conan said:
LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Late-night comedian Conan O'Brien sought to defuse a flap over a recent segment poking fun at the French-Canadian province of Quebec by issuing a self-deprecating "apology" on Tuesday in French.


This is stupid...they bring a new york late night tv host whos job is to make fun of everything including himself to canada and then are pissed when he makes fun of it! Man they are sooo smart :p What can I say they are dumb!
Not to mention that he didn't insult Canada. He offended Quebec. Offended, not insulted. Quebec, not Canada.
Professur said:
Not to mention that he didn't insult Canada. He offended Quebec. Offended, not insulted. Quebec, not Canada.

I'd say that he insulted Quebec and by doing so, Offended us and made quite a few of us rather angry.
And as a Quebecer, you're welcome to think so. Tell me, did Don Cherry's comment that only Europeans and french were visors offend you too?
Professur said:
And as a Quebecer, you're welcome to think so. Tell me, did Don Cherry's comment that only Europeans and french were visors offend you too?

The French aren't European? :p
Noone ever accused Cherry of being the sharpest knife in the drawer. Didn't stop the Separatists from crying foul, and the CBC from putting everything he says from now on on a 7 second delay.
Professur said:
And as a Quebecer, you're welcome to think so. Tell me, did Don Cherry's comment that only Europeans and french were visors offend you too?

No..frankly, I think that it's rather stupid NOT to wear visors in hockey...the same as playing baseball without wearing a cup is stupid. You don't play with solid objects traveling at high speeds without protection.

If Don Cherry had said that Europeans and the French have to wear visors because they're ugly mothers and they're hoping that the glare will hide that...then I'd have been insulted.
And tell me. Does Andrew Dice Clay's bit about facial hair looking like a full face pussy bother you?
Professur said:
And tell me. Does Andrew Dice Clay's bit about facial hair looking like a full face pussy bother you?

No..but I guess that it proves the modicum "You are what you eat" :) :la::lol2:
So if Clay's bit doesn't bother you, and Cherry's nonsense doesn't ... Why do you give a fuck about O'brien?
If rednecks strung up every comedian who made fun of them, there would be very few comedians left.
Quick question: ever see me get pissed off about all the jokes making fun of people with Tourette's Syndrome?
You should do some research Tourette's then. The stuff they make fun of isn't even present in two-thirds of Tourette's patients, myself included.
i know. I have friends who have had it and they would have said that same thing I just did. that they find it funny. they stereotype them for jokes Aaron. we both know that.
Professur said:
So if Clay's bit doesn't bother you, and Cherry's nonsense doesn't ... Why do you give a fuck about O'brien?

If you hear a joke about a Scotsman frolicking with sheep, it's understood that it's a joke. If you hear a joke about the Brits dental's meant to be a joke. I doubt that either bothers you all that much.

If someone comes out and says, in German with a smile on his/her face, to a Scotsman that he and the entire Scottish decendancy are idiotic, alcoholic sheep-fuckers and puts that on television in Ireland (with subtitles)' would you feel about that?

It's not the joke....I've heard plenty of jokes about Les Quebequois, Indians, Canadians etc...and taken no foul mood from it... this wasn't a was an insult poorly disguised as a joke.
Ahem. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog??????

I don't even know why this is still being discussed. You found it funny, were indifferent or you were offended. None of these is going to stop what is in fact a very popular spot. :shrug:

Come Poop With Me
chcr said:
Ahem. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog??????

I don't even know why this is still being discussed. You found it funny, were indifferent or you were offended. None of these is going to stop what is in fact a very popular spot. :shrug:

Come Poop With Me

This has gone happens around here. I'm sure that Conan found it funny, which is why it made it's way on TV. It flopped because Conan didn't understand the implications of the joke.

It wasn't funny in the same way that Ni***r jokes aren't funny...even though a great many people laugh at ni***r jokes. You catchin' my drift chcr?

There's insult and there's injury. Call me PC if you will, but I don't tell ni***r jokes anymore...havn't in a very long time. I've learned that they aren't funny to most people, they're insulting.

Telling a woman on the street "I can smell your crotch from here", if she or her boyfriend had understood it, would've put Insult Comic dog and his 'handler' in the hospital ... because them's Fightin' words...not jokes.