Conan screws the pooch.

Need to check that stuff out, I haven't seen a good comic in a long time.

What do you think of Robin Wiliams? Bill Maher? David Chappel? Airplane? Monty Python?
Python is funny, but I've seen it all already. Airplane was good, if simple. Robin does good standup, but hardly at all any more. Haven't seen the other two, but I know I've avoided maher simply because he has a show just like The Other Three.

That moron on Spike is laughable in a stupid way, for the moment, but I'm already getting bored of him. You (at least I) can only laugh as stupidity for so long before you start wanting him to do something stupid enough to kill himself off.

That's the only reason I manager to sit through the entire lenght of Jackass. I wanted to see them Darwin. Sadly they didn't oblige, although they came close several times.
Professur said:
FYI, Mr. Bean. No funny. Blackadder, funny.

Blackadder...freaking amazing

rowan atkinson stand-up, even better

maitre de of hell:

"chistians to the rear, sorry, the jews were right"
Saw a trailer for Blue Collar, I know two of them. Foxworthy stuff is old though, I've tired of him. Ever notice there are no funny female comediennes? I've never seen any female comic that I really thought was funny.

Something compelled me to watch Jackass a few times too. The urge didn't last long, maybe after the fourth shopping cart stunt.
I've noticed that most female comedy tends to one of 4 subjects. Periods, sexism, men, or their mothers.

And for some reason, a rediculous percentage of female comics are carpet munchers. That may be a symptom.
Professur said:
Letterman about as funny as a train wreck.

Thank you..I thought I was alone on this. He does the most boring stunts...waste like "Will it float" BS...The audience eats it up so it leads me to believe

1)Their applaud and laugh signs really work


2)They pay people to laugh


3)Gunpoint laughter..laugh or die.
I nearly pissed my pants laughing watching the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, Ron White is easliy my favorite, followed by the Cable guy. I HURT after watching that...
greenfreak said:
Saw a trailer for Blue Collar, I know two of them. Foxworthy stuff is old though, I've tired of him. Ever notice there are no funny female comediennes? I've never seen any female comic that I really thought was funny.

Something compelled me to watch Jackass a few times too. The urge didn't last long, maybe after the fourth shopping cart stunt.
Elaine Boozler. :)
PMS, those few days every month when women get to act like men do all the time.

In the Blue Collar thing, I thought Ron White's arrested in NY story was worth the price of the DVD. :lol:
Professur said:
Well, I nearly pissed myself over the Blue Collar comedy tour.

"Hey Larry, how did you get tickets to the tampax 200?"

"We pulled some strings"

If your working TV sit on top of your non-working TV you might be a redneck.
Oh, here it is.

I've seen very little of this guy, is he always this funny? ;)

He shouldn't have pissed on Canada in Canada though.
Gonz said:
Oh, here it is.

I've seen very little of this guy, is he always this funny? ;)

He shouldn't have pissed on Canada in Canada though.

wellhe didn't it was whoever was behind the Dog puppet.Blaming Conan would be like blaming the Football players for J.Jacksons halftime show.It wasn't Canada he Pissed on either ,it was Quebec,most of the Canada stuff was pretty funny.The skits with the CN tower and Seattle Space needle fighting it out were pretty good,Conan also tried to include all stereotypes in one " A Hockey playing Mountie(In Red Serge) with a hockey stick made of Bread(??) .I personally feel the whole "Triumph " thing is out of whack.He did call the Canadians dull,but thats hard to argue when our Gov. is bitching about a puppet and the rest of the world is concerned with the Mid east. :rolleyes:
A.B.Normal said:
well.I personally feel the whole "Triumph " thing is out of whack.He did call the Canadians dull,but thats hard to argue when our Gov. is bitching about a puppet and the rest of the world is concerned with the Mid east. :rolleyes:

Remind me to not complain the next time that "the insult dog" calls Jesse Jackson supporters the HNIC-crew

That'd be almost as funny.

ha is to laugh.. ha ha, it hurts it hurts, stop it. you're killing me.

Puh-lease...if the best that this schmuck can do for comedy is to insult an entire province-full of people by talking behind their backs (talking to non-english people and insulting them to their faces)...then this skit, if not the whole damn show, should be taken off the air.
A.B.Normal said:
wellhe didn't it was whoever was behind the Dog puppet.Blaming Conan would be like blaming the Football players for J.Jacksons halftime show.

BTW... Yes, Conan is to blame. It's not like the skit goes on's pre-taped and pre-viewed by Conan himself. If he doesn't like doesn't go in. If we were trying to blame the camera-men or the Key-Grips for the skit...then we'd be astray.
Yeah, but these days people like Conan are trying to shoot for controversy. Look at all the attention its generated.

Also, I have not seen that skit. In fact, I don't watch much tv lately.
My big screen tv is being wasted on video games and dvds.
pc_builder said:
Yeah, but these days people like Conan are trying to shoot for controversy. Look at all the attention its generated.

Also, I have not seen that skit. In fact, I don't watch much tv lately.
My big screen tv is being wasted on video games and dvds.

Get Janet to pop her top on his show...that'd work :)

I think that he'd get more attention by going higher-brow than trying to scrape at the gutters. I know the PR mantra "All press is good press", but then again...advertisers have dropped shows for smaller things.
MrBishop said:
I think that he'd get more attention by going higher-brow than trying to scrape at the gutters. I know the PR mantra "All press is good press", but then again...advertisers have dropped shows for smaller things.

If you believe that Bish, what planet have you been living on? :shrug: Evidently not the one with Survivor, Fear Factor and all these other unreality based shows.
Hey Bish, what's the Canadian show called that asks Americans questions about Canada? Do you know the one, that pokes fun at how stupid and clueless us Americans are when it comes to our northern neighbors? Any other Canadian want to help me out with the name, or better yet, the thread started here about it? I'm curious, I'd like to see how many Americans posted that that show should be cancelled.