
Depends on the situation... sometimes I'll go with my head and sometimes with my heart/intuition/call it what you like. ;)
Buttcrackdivine said:
I go with what seems more beneficial in the long run and that for me is the Brain most of the time. :headbang:
I know most people feel that way, BCD. Some of the happiest times of my life have been very short-lived. If I did what was best in the long run, I'd have missed them. As I said, happier and sadder. :D
I've toiled over both. More often than not, I follow my heart. I've followed my head at times too and in retrospect it was the right decision. But usually those two aren't on complete ends of the spectrum; it's a close decision.
Go with your Heart Squiggy. That is, if you want to be truly happy or miserable in your life.
Right wi Fi on this one. I always listen to my gut, getting second opinions from the brain and heart. But the gut has the veto. It's gotten me through too much for me to ever ignore it.
Squiggy said:
I haven't been this happy in....*gasp*....decades....:crying3:

that says it all i think. you know you must follow your heart. is losing what you wanted worse than wondering the rest of your life what it could have been?
i don't think so.
Shadowfax said:
is losing what you wanted worse than wondering the rest of your life what it could have been?
Tis better to have love and lost... than to have never loved at all :D :love: :D
Shadowfax said:
Squiggy said:
I haven't been this happy in....*gasp*....decades....:crying3:

that says it all i think. you know you must follow your heart. is losing what you wanted worse than wondering the rest of your life what it could have been?
i don't think so.

OK making sure; we all do know that we don't think from the heart and the gut doesn't tell us anything......every decision comes from the brain and brain only...the heart can't possibly think. Just making sure:headbang:

Shouldn't it be - Do you think logically or do you let your emotions guide you.:confuse3:
I think as a rule...when it comes to major life decisions for oneself, one must use one's brains and leave emotions and heart at the door.