Confusions is the word


molṑn labé
Staff member
Yes, no, maybe

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court ruled narrowly Monday that Congress gave President Bush the power to hold an American citizen without charges or trial, but said the detainee can challenge his treatment in court.
The Prez has the authority to suspend anything he likes in 'times of national emergency'. Its a hazy, fuzzy, crazy loophole that gets used in fuzzy, hazy, crazy ways. Its regulated and expressed in hazy, fuzzy, crazy ways. Its given smokescreeny non-condemnation/condemnation while old men thump their chests in self important self-righteousness indignation and pretend that they are protecting anything other than their own fannies. Nothing changes other than a few more 100 pages of unenforcable farces being added to the lexicon of legalese.

Did you hear that thump? Its the sound of society collapsing because 75% of the US can tell you who made it to the final pair on American Idol while less than a third can find themselves on a map.

I weep.
sorry unc, despite the fact that you're weeping (which i can understand), i must agree. the way you put it, put a big :D on my face though :D
Professur said:
What about Absolut Vodka?

After the first 5th, who cares?

Winky, I assumed the story would be brought forth in full but just read that paragraph for what it says. Nothing more needs be added. We've entered teh Twilight Zone & nobody has noticed. It's ok to hold you incognito but you can protest publically?

Covered by the Constitution? I think so but I'm not really sure what it says.