
Leslie said:
in Iraq. but somebody's done pissed em off pretty good regardless.


That's kinda the point of the war on terrorism. Make 'em take on ARMED SOLDIERS, not unarmed civilians.
Gonz said:

That's kinda the point of the war on terrorism. Make 'em take on ARMED SOLDIERS, not unarmed civilians.
yah that's worked real good so far. :rolleyes:
there have been lots of stories. mostly in the smaller press because we don't want Bush looking good.
if that was for me...we weren't over there pissing on their sand all these years...there hasn't been an issue :shrug:
it is for eric but it's also for you. Do you really believe they won't attack Canada? You're a bunch of hellbound heathens too
Gonz said:
it is for eric but it's also for you. Do you really believe they won't attack Canada? You're a bunch of hellbound heathens too

is Bush protecting Canada? ill keep telling myself that but I keep expecting it to happen. most fanatics of any religion say those that dont follow are hellbound heathens. this goes for Europe and Asia as well.
The US protects north America as well as western Europe & many other places