conspiracy theory

Hoon said:
Yes there is a 3 second lapse in the security cam video but at the beginning of the tape you can clearly see the outline of a large plane.

Didn't seem all that clear to me, but I'm old and my eyes aren't what they used to be. It's hard to take any conspiracy theory seriously with the spurious evidence they usually present though., you're the president of the USA and you want to get re-elected in a few years. First, you arrange for 4 airplanes to dissapear entirely (including hundreds of people who have to be silenced - permanently), you kidnap the planes and replace them with 3 airplanes and one large truck-bomb), with two of the new planes, loaded with missiles and explosives, not to mention explosives attached to the side of buildings, you destroy two large towers in New York, the third plane, you crash harmlessly into farmland, the truck, you blow up next to the Pentagon). You quickly blame a country who you hate and is relativly easy to invade.

With the death of several thousand people (men, women and children), plus the money spent on those fake planes, plus the repair of all that damaged property, plus the removal of those damn witnesses etc etc and the $b spent on the war itself etc... you've 'maybe' secured yourself another 4 years in office.

Seems plauseable to me.
This link provides raw footage from the security cam.
On the far right..the white object to the right of the brown pillar (right edge of photo) is the plane in question.
pentagonhit1.jpg are the same pictures except these are off a conspiracy theory website claiming a plane never hit the Pentagon.
In these photos..notice how they've moved the pictures slightly to the left effectivly cutting out where the image of the plane was in my first link.

There was no evidence of a plane on Pentagon grounds?
Squiggy said:
This only proves my contention that conspiracy theorists are good with computers, not facts.

If that little white blur in the actual security cam photo is not a plane..
Why did this conspiracy site feel the need to doctor the photos to totally eliminate the white bluir?
MrBishop said:, you're the president of the USA and you want to get re-elected in a few years. First, you arrange for 4 airplanes to dissapear entirely (including hundreds of people who have to be silenced - permanently), you kidnap the planes and replace them with 3 airplanes and one large truck-bomb), with two of the new planes, loaded with missiles and explosives, not to mention explosives attached to the side of buildings, you destroy two large towers in New York, the third plane, you crash harmlessly into farmland, the truck, you blow up next to the Pentagon). You quickly blame a country who you hate and is relativly easy to invade.

With the death of several thousand people (men, women and children), plus the money spent on those fake planes, plus the repair of all that damaged property, plus the removal of those damn witnesses etc etc and the $b spent on the war itself etc... you've 'maybe' secured yourself another 4 years in office.

Seems plauseable to me.
their idea is that he wanted an excuse to wage this holy war...and there wasn't really he made one :shrug:
Leslie said:
their idea is that he wanted an excuse to wage this holy war...and there wasn't really he made one :shrug:

He probably could've come up with one that didn't involve the deaths of thousands of Americans.
:shrug: I saw the wing hit marks upon the walls.

That section of the Pentagon had just undregone extensive renovation and reinforcement. I hear they even fortified the walls with kevlar and whatnot. It not for the structural enhacements the whole section would have come down.
my feelings on this? I don't necessarily believe that they did make a humungous tragic hoax this time...but I certainly don't believe that they wouldn't.
Leslie said:
my feelings on this? I don't necessarily believe that they did make a humungous tragic hoax this time...but I certainly don't believe that they wouldn't.
For any member of any administration to know about this in advance..or try to coordinate this as a "hoax" is beyond probability.

Think about it..
No administration in recent history has been able to identify or stop press leaks let alone coordinate something like 9/11 w/o being discovered.

And if they HAD.
It wouldn't make much sense either. The con's far outweigh the pro's.
If it were to be found that the administration had coordinated this and / or knew about this attack (the specifics) in advance..then they would go down as the most hated mass murderers in history.
To me, that's not worth any goals attained by "wanting to destroy the middle east" or as a "re-election" technique.
Indeed...if it was just a matter of starting a war in the Middle-East, or of destroying it for that matter, a small atomic bomb placed in Iraq somewhere and detonated would've done the same thing. You blame it on Afghanistan and watch one country invade another. Hell, bombing a US embasy somewhere in the middle east and blaming Al Quaida or Saddam would've been far easier to pull off and has similar effects.

Conspiracy theories are amusing to read, but rarely ever deal with the why of any actions. :/
Conspiracy theories are amusing to read, but rarely ever deal with the why of any actions. :/

I agree, Bish, but if you think it couldn't happen, you'd better think again.