conspiracy theory

Yeah, I noticed that when they first broadcast the news on 9/11. Makes you wonder....
Shhhhh, it's a conspiracy. The WTC is still there & those people who died in DC...they're residing in Hawaii, all expenses paid. :rolleyes:
Well...There you have it. Straight from the president's mouthpiece. :D

I understand the stone and gravel on the lawn. That was a temporary road to move heavy equipment in. But the other questiond have to make you think. God, I love a good conspiracy theory...:p
I don't remember seeing much if any of the planes that flew into
the WTCs, but I saw um go in. :shrug:
Thats whats odd. Apparently, there was more evidence after the fact of the planes that hit the WTC than the plane that hit the pentagon. Seems rather odd.

edit: speeling :retard:
Don't I remember video from a traffic helicopter of the plane minutes before it hit the Pentagon? Ever been to a plane wreck? There usually isn't a lot you could identify as plane parts without training. Good conspiracy theory though, self-consistent and believable. :D
I didn't see that video, chic. But this is laid out pretty well and very convincingly...except for the lawn tangent...that don't float. :D
you know what i wonder? why didn't they use the emergency broadcasting system on 9/11? i heard somebody talking about this once and i concur...they test it all the freaking time and if ever a time to use was, it was on 9/11.....hmmmm.....
As for the first question, each ring of the pentagon is pretty wide, and the building is built a lot heavier than a skyscraper, or pretty much anything you'd find in California.
Donald Rumsfeld said:
They [find a lot] and any number of terrorist efforts have been dissuaded, deterred or stopped by good intelligence gathering and good preventive work. It is a truth that a terrorist can attack any time, any place, using any technique and it's physically impossible to defend at every time and every place against every conceivable technique. Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filed with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center. The only way to deal with this problem is by taking the battle to the terrorists, wherever they are, and dealing with them.

things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm.......:alienhuh:
Have you ever seen the parking lot security cam clearly showing a Boeing flying into the Pentagon?

I'm guessing not.
I'm not trying to claim thhat these theories arre indeed based on fact but I have a lot of trouble with claiming that because you have seen TV footage of something it must be real. I've seen many buildings in the US be destroyed by aliens, I've seen London devastated by Dragons, I've seen Ewoks fly hoverbikes into giant trees on an alien moon...

Get the point?
Hoon said:
Have you ever seen the parking lot security cam clearly showing a Boeing flying into the Pentagon?

I'm guessing not.

Yes, pretty inconclusive either direction. Something certainly hit at a high rate of speed. Barring evidence to the contrary, I'll take the eyewitness reports. :D

I geuss maybe they should have had high speed, High resolution cameras all around in case someone flew a plane into the building and they had to prove it??? :lol:
Yes there is a 3 second lapse in the security cam video but at the beginning of the tape you can clearly see the outline of a large plane.