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Insurance Won't Pay NorCal Mom's Cancer Treatment
Insurance Won't Pay NorCal Mom's Cancer Treatment
it's the goverment's job to protect its people
when it comes to health care the USA is a 3rd world country.
From invaders, both foreign & domestic, but not from themselves or a legal corporation acting under legal conditions.
That's why so many Canucks come down to get it?
BWAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice, Spike.How'd you like that Kenyan birth certificate Cerise?
And the other links? Hmmmm??? What's that???You know, the issue is not quite the belly laugh as you seem to think it is.
And pssst: Snopes is as credible as "Talking Points Memo".
What do you have against Snopes now?
What do you have against Snopes now?
leftist propaganda, just like everything that disagrees with her viewpoint.