Is it?
Why is someone that was born outside the United States (Moldavia) and grew up outside teh USA fighting this particular fight?
"What right does Taintz have to bring lawsuit after lawsuit into motion, wasting the system's time with nonsense? She's not an accredited lawyer, nor a natural born citizen?"
More importantly, why does 0bama refuse to produce his long-form, signed-by-a-doctor birth certificate??
Neither of which are required under law in the US, unlike the requirements to hold office.
when I applied for my Driver license, I had to produce a birth certificate.
For a clearance I had to produce a birth certificate.
For my children to go to school I had to produce each of their birth certificates.
If I have to produce certificates to drive, work, or send my children to school, why doesn't my president have to? He works for me.