

OK I'm sick of wearing glasses. I am looking into contacts now. What are the types? What should I know? What should I avoid and what should I get? Any help here would be appreciated. I'm seeing an optometrist later this week, but I just want heads up whats ahead of me.
contacts kick ass....i use biomedics, they are would prob be in your best intrest to get acuview--i think thats how you spell it...thoes you can sleep in for up to like 2 weeks, and that makes it so easy....i sleep in my, yet i shouldn't but its nice to get up and be like ahhhhh i can see.
Stkshft said:
contacts kick ass....i use biomedics, they are would prob be in your best intrest to get acuview--i think thats how you spell it...thoes you can sleep in for up to like 2 weeks, and that makes it so easy....i sleep in my, yet i shouldn't but its nice to get up and be like ahhhhh i can see.

I use biomedics as well and they're okay. I agree with leaving em in while you sleep but I always seem to leave them in too long (mind you, nothing happens, but they get a little crusty) ;)

I'll probably switch over to acuviews in the next month or so; I'm so overdue for an eye exam.
Huge said:
I agree with leaving em in while you sleep but I always seem to leave them in too long (mind you, nothing happens, but they get a little crusty)
yea me too....way too long,, and they arn't ment for it.:eek:
have friends who are prepared to help you put them in

one girl on my floor got them and yesterday she had two of my roomies helping her

they had her laying on the floor and everything
erm, isn't that WAY too dramatic? i mean, geez, putting in contacts can be a bit uncomfortable in the beginning, but laying on the floor and stuff is just acting drama....

it's not that bad at all.
Jerrek said:
OK I'm sick of wearing glasses. I am looking into contacts now. What are the types? What should I know? What should I avoid and what should I get?

Lizzard eyes. Did a mockup for ya...


I want to get all-black ones (no iris) just to wear out. I wear glasses if I need to see right now, but have a couple of packs of one-a-day contacts for skiing etc. Contacts are awesome, man - like a revelation when I first wore them.
Re: Re: Contacts

ipmoof said:
Jerrek said:
OK I'm sick of wearing glasses. I am looking into contacts now. What are the types? What should I know? What should I avoid and what should I get?

Lizzard eyes. Did a mockup for ya...



You can't have the ring. We must continue Mount Doom Gollum.. I mean Jerrek erm... :nuts:
The first pair I had were hard lenses, worn only at night to sleep. They supposedly corrected the contour of the eyeball, making me see awesome without them in the day. The prob, they're a bitch to put in and take out and it feels like you have a grain of sand in your eye all night long. On the plus side, they gave me better than 20/20. I loved them, 'til I scratched my eye trying to take them out and never used them since.

Now I use soft lenses. They're okay, except when they move around in my eye and I can't find them. Then my eye gets all red and watery, making it more of a bitch to take 'em out.

All in all though, contacts are good, especially if you play sports and other physical activities. :D
i'm on my last pair of contacts, i need to order new ones but the one's i use are expensive, i think they're called cooper torics