

New Member
IBM fights spam with spam.

The paper reports that, using that database, e-mails coming from a computer on the spam list are sent directly back to the computer, not just the e-mail account, that sent them.

"We're doing it to shut this guy down," Stuart McIrvine, IBM's director of corporate security strategy, told the paper. "Every time he tries to send, he gets slammed again."


Might want to make sure your firewalls are effective. If a spammer is using your machine as a zombie, things may get very interesting for you soon.
That is cool.
I wonder if that's why charter is having problems.
I've been dicking with my lan all morning.
Charter has told me that they've been having DNS issuse all morn.
I had to plug in a special one just to get by with.
HomeLAN said:
IBM fights spam with spam.


Might want to make sure your firewalls are effective. If a spammer is using your machine as a zombie, things may get very interesting for you soon.
Match that up with a virus that scrags the guy's machine and they'd be on the right track!

I'd LOVE to be present when some pimply-faced ass-wipe with dreams of being a big-time hacker smells the odor of burning plastic and sees all the little lights turn off on his p4 3.7ghz toy!

Hell..I'd pay for the privaledge!
MrBishop said:
Match that up with a virus that scrags the guy's machine and they'd be on the right track!

I'd LOVE to be present when some pimply-faced ass-wipe with dreams of being a big-time hacker smells the odor of burning plastic and sees all the little lights turn off on his p4 3.7ghz toy!

Hell..I'd pay for the privaledge!

Uh, no. If someone has gotten into your machine, now you'd not only have a firewall problem, but a virus issue as well.
It'd be nicer to back-trail a virus from last-known infection to first infection and from there to Programmer of said virus.

Or...creating a 'white hat' virus which uses the same loopholes that VirusX used to get into your machine to propogate itself all the while killing off VirusX.

That, I'm assuming, is a few years off.

**IMHO if hackers are able to find new loopholes to propogate viruses, crack through new measures against illegal copying etc...within days of any change ... creating anti-virus virii could be accomplished damn quickly..just hire hackers.

Better yet...force convicted hackers and virus writers to create said anti-virus virii as part of their sentence and link that software's success with the time they spend in jail...dropping the soap.! :D
MrBishop said:
It'd be nicer to back-trail a virus from last-known infection to first infection and from there to Programmer of said virus.

Or...creating a 'white hat' virus which uses the same loopholes that VirusX used to get into your machine to propogate itself all the while killing off VirusX.

That, I'm assuming, is a few years off.

**IMHO if hackers are able to find new loopholes to propogate viruses, crack through new measures against illegal copying etc...within days of any change ... creating anti-virus virii could be accomplished damn quickly..just hire hackers.

Better yet...force convicted hackers and virus writers to create said anti-virus virii as part of their sentence and link that software's success with the time they spend in jail...dropping the soap.! :D


Bish, half the antivirus companies have been suspected at one point or another of employing virus writers.
Professur said:

Bish, half the antivirus companies have been suspected at one point or another of employing virus writers.
Its a good idea...they've just been hiring the wrong ones.

Hell, half the antivirus companies have been suspected of releasing viruses onto the net in order to increase business. :)