Could be interesting...

bleach said:
I have my suspicions......only you could have picked "ouch" for the safeword :alienhuh:

I can't see them getting pissed off with the pink job left most things to the imagination.

But hun, when you finally did say OUCH it wasn't me doing the spanking anymore! :eek:
Squiggy said:
Um...Stewey...A referal means someone admitted I got them to join...Not that someone reported me. :rofl:

And that prolly was me the referal :lol2:

Good explaination Squigg's......
Talk about taking their time....I just got my first PAYCHECK! WooT! :dance: A whole $5. Now I can get that house that I've had my eye on....

* runs of to buy a house....
They're going to bind you over until January? That's a load of malodorous testosterone charged bovine fecal matter
They wouldn't fall for that. Everyone knows I don't wear ties....they just look so stupid with T shirts. ... :tardbang:
Get one of those antiquated hearing horns, and claim that you lost your hearing after shagging a particularly raucous lady-frog. And everytime they ask you something, just say "Eh? What? I can't hear you!! Speak up sonny..." :devious: (what? it worked for me. :p )
Hey Squiggs - why not wear your halloween costume for jury duty? After every adjournment knowk on the door at the judge's chambers yelling "Trick or Treat!".

Or insist on giving the judge your humble view on the socio economic circumstances of unwed mothers in Liberia.......only speaking in Sioux. Explain that you feel the need to go back to your roots and have recently discovered that you are a direct descendant of the great Sioux chief Killer Fart'.
Well, today's the big day: the US judicial system will test its limits by having a frog on the jury. :lol:

Squiggy and I discussed his options last night, and decided that Alpha had a number of excellent suggestions, as did PT. Hopefully he'll be able to let us know how successful he was at getting booted. Unfortunately, I suspect his sense of duty may interfere, and he'll wind up reenacting Henry Fonda's role in Sidney Lumet's 12 Angry Men. :disgust2: j/k :D
I really hope he gets to fill us in soon. He isn't being totally sequestered or anything, is he?
Boy, he wasn't kidding when he said the wheels turn slow .... how long ago was his presence requested for jury duty ... ? Geez.

Good luck, Squiggy!
Well, he first posted here the 8th of September, so going on over 4 months now.