Could be interesting...

:D Its good ole New Joisy, Posty. You wouldn't want to live here regardless of whether I'm selected or not. This is the bottom of the heap as states go...except maybe California. But at least they have nice scenery.
I think Homer Simpson summed it up nicely........

It's easy to get out of jury duty, just say that you're prejudice against all races

Although Trolly's suggestion seems to work :D :drink:

Momma, we's a going to a hangin'
ACK Joe you have my sympathies :eh:

you know we'll expect a synopsis every night :devious:
AlphaTroll said:
Pretend you suffer from Tourettes syndrome & keep yelling obscenities at the judge

Play with yourself in the jury box

Play with the pesron next to you in the jury box

Duck down everytime the prosecuter looks at you and whisper loudly "Is he gone yet?"
ROFL-LMAO-I would do something like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told Squigg's he prolly get held contempt of court for some odd reason - or it would be his X when he walked in.....

BUT, Alpha Trolls takes the tops in my books, LMAO :lol2:
Jeebus_ said:
and that you'll sue em if u get back problems when u get old :winkkiss:
Nahhh, that wouldn't work, he really does have back probs, and they ,ight give him a recliner and keep in anyway..... :)
Squiggy said:
I was thinking about responding verbally with a series of clicks, knacks, & high pitched whistles...And eating a bananna with the skin on...:tardbang:
Given Squiggs RW exploits who woulda thought he would be afraid of jury duty? I thought he woulda been ready to condemn any non-libertarian who entered the witness box ;) :lol:
Squiggs - I thought of something else you might do to alleviate the boredom......make it a game show

Whenever a witness aproaches the stand loudly humm the theme song of Jaws. Then, as they take the oath to tell the truth or whatever yell out "Let's play WHEEEEEELLLLLL OF FOOOOOOOOOOOORTUUUUUUUUUUNE". And whenever the person answers a question - look at them disbelievingly & ask them "Is that your final answer?" And as they leave the stand, look at them like their the lowest form of life ever to steal oxygen on this planet & hiss "You are the weakest link - goodbye"

Get the other jury members involved to vote people of the jury - courtroom survivor style - whereby they have to stand in front of the judge & say things like "I vote Pete off 'cos he stinks"

Also, insist on doing jury duty in your bikini - that will greatly improve your chances of winning the jury survivor challenge, 'cos after a couple of days even the men will start looking at you hungrily.