Well-Known Member
It isn't a religious war...if it was, it'd be far more widespread than you or I would ever care for. Imagine Christians declaring war on all Muslims... ye gods!! Now THAT would be a world war!
It's always been a practice to deamonize the enemy...just check out the posters dating back to WWI and WWII. You'll see some serious demonizing of the Japanese, the Italians, the Germans etc...
What it comes down to is: "It's tough to kill something you don't hate" Make the enemy less than human and it's easier to pull the trigger.
It's always been a practice to deamonize the enemy...just check out the posters dating back to WWI and WWII. You'll see some serious demonizing of the Japanese, the Italians, the Germans etc...
What it comes down to is: "It's tough to kill something you don't hate" Make the enemy less than human and it's easier to pull the trigger.