Could Obama be Impeached over Libya? Let's ask Biden

It's a U.N. Resolution leading to an action - which is currently led by the USA.

Same kind or UN resolution which got y'all into the 1st Gulf war, Rwanda, The DO Congo, and 'nam.

Once again, I'm on the minority side of this one.
I certainly think the pres. waited way too long to take action, and
I think they should have armed the revolutionists with the appropriate
hardware to take out those tanks and such. (still do)

I think like most of what this admin does, they took the wrong 'means'
to get to the 'ends', and we don't know what the ends are yet.

I think since Qudaffy duck has been declared NOT the legitimate leader of the country,
he should be considered fair game for assassination/targeting.
Al-Qaeda has no more credibility with me than Obama.

Personally I believe QuaDaffy has more ties than the revolutionist.
Of coarse I think Al-Qaeda is playing both sides to try to get a foothold any way they can.
All that's going to be tried regardless.
It doesn't mean they will succeed, or that the whole revolutionist group is already Al-Qaeda.

We'll just have to see.
I think it's hilarious that it seems absolutely nobody in our so-called gov.
seems to know Anything about these revolutionist.
I believe it's because they are just common folks from the workplaces...
Grass roots if you will, not jihadist or anything else, but people wanting
some kind of more free life.
that there is even a question of comparable credibility between al quaeda and the the guy that was CLEARLY (for a change) elected president of the US is nauseating.

khadafy is about as likely to be buds with AQ as was saddam. absolutely different worldviews on the place of arab societies in the global political scene, and fairly little to do with islam.

i dunno, i think kahadafy is good friend with george soros and i've seen him in the next county while i was chasing an escaped goat, so i think obama is probably having an affair. or maybe he's over at the moose lodge. i'm not sure, but i know that something bad is happening.


well, maybe we are really doomed. the dumb is again seeping into our pores.

do some reading folks.

"Gaddafi renamed the Libyan Arab Republic to Jamahiriya in 1977, based on his socialist and nationalist political philosophy published in Green Book. In 1979, he relinquished the title of prime minister, and was thereafter called "The Brother Leader" or "The Guide" in Libya's Socialist Revolution."
Not everyone is clueless as to what is going on.

ah hah so you DO agree that if the right people
were running the country right now we'd be quietly, behind the scenes
aiding ol al-Gaddafi to retain control over there!
nope. why wrestle with old grumpy when the new guys will be much easier to dominate? plus if things turn out well that will be more pressure on the other dickbags in the area. how sad would you be if the saudi royal family got a lead enema? shit half of al quaedas anger is because of those fat fucks. and then maybe al quaeda will gain a stronghold in the arabian peninsula and we can wipe the fuckers out systematically. just like we did for years in afghanistump. :retard: we can pipe in over the loudspeakers some cornholio quotes and they will throw down their krinkovs and blanket boys. most will become cab drivers in jersey. and then we'll have an excuse to destroy new jersey. everyone will be happy.
Nobel prize winner Obama sparks world war three

yer right once again Demonrats have sparked every war we've ever been in.
American boots on the ground all across the mid-east.
Good plan.

Will we need to reinstate the draft to pull that one off?
It's a U.N. Resolution leading to an action - which is currently led by the USA.


That says it's a UN demand. The US has no bearing & is not named, aside from being an affirmative of the vote. Our President has not come forth & asked Congress to mandate his actions & has not come before the citizens & given us the objective.
Re: Nobel prize winner Obama sparks world war three

yer right once again Demonrats have sparked every war we've ever been in.

point well taken. that's one thing my father taught me before he went off the deep end.

so what's the plan, sunshine?

Well... NATO's taken over the Libyan problem and put a Canadian in charge of it.

You guys aren't in a war..just playing a supporting role as per your responsibilities as members of the UN, NATO and permanent members of the UN Security Council.

So much for impeachment.

Swing and a miss! Strike 24,621
OT, since this is OTC....

The media kills me pronouncing naTo (naDo)

I guess because of my name it's just a peeve with me.
These people are supposed to be professionals, and they can't pronounce a simple name right.:disgust2:
Obama is a nincompoop ?

NATO was formed to combat an invasion of western Europe
by the freakin' Soviet Union!

Not fly air strikes in support of al-Qaida

Are you SURE Barack Hussein Osama isn't a Muslim?
Well... NATO's taken over the Libyan problem and put a Canadian in charge of it.

You guys aren't in a war..just playing a supporting role as per your responsibilities as members of the UN, NATO and permanent members of the UN Security Council.

So much for impeachment.

Swing and a miss! Strike 24,621

Let's start with...

Is Libya a NATO member? The why are we blowing his shit up?

Supporting role...great, we have to wait until Monday, weeks after all this began, to have our Commander in Chief tell us the objective. Will he then ask for authorization from Congress?