Could you?

Disbelief is believing too, gonz. ;)
Not always.
Someday, chcr, you'll believe in something & then you'll understand. Maybe.

As I have explained, ad nauseam, I believe in a lot of things. I see no point in explaining once again that which you so adamantly and truculently refuse to understand. It's boring, and it's a waste of time so: Just as you say, Gonz, just as you say... :shrug:

Edit: Just as an aside, Gonz, I never will believe in a lot of the things you think I should though. Fantasy, while entertaining, is ultimately not useful in real world situations.
Disbelief is believing too, gonz. ;)

Are believing that principles are for the fooish, as he points out so often, disbelief or simpy no belief at all? ridicule those who believe in something (religion, moral principles, ethical dilemmas, political ideology) yet offer no alternative. I don't ask you to believe what I believe (though it would be the correct way). From your responses, you don't have grand ideologies. Simple truths, which-once broken down is all they are, seem to offend you. They exist. You just don't seem like them.
that's absurd.

but it's nice to be reminded (for the 942thousandth time here) that it's not just liberals that resort to hyperbole.

She clearly announces it on a regualrt basis.

"We're going to take things away from you for the common good..."

"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society"

"We just can't trust the American people to make those types of choices.... Government has to make those choices for people"

"Too many people have made too much money."

Just as an example...
Buy me
Are believing that principles are for the fooish, as he points out so often, disbelief or simpy no belief at all? ridicule those who believe in something (religion, moral principles, ethical dilemmas, political ideology) yet offer no alternative. I don't ask you to believe what I believe (though it would be the correct way). From your responses, you don't have grand ideologies. Simple truths, which-once broken down is all they are, seem to offend you. They exist. You just don't seem like them.

I have done nothing of the kind. I disagree with them, I in no way think they're ridiculous. I do ridicule people who say they believe in something then subsequently display an abject belief in something different. I expect people to understand what they profess a belief for. I also ridicule people for posting information that is clearly incorrect. Since, when I drop one of these discussions that are clearly a waste of time you say I've "run away" from it, I'll say this one more time. I certailny hold no hope that you'll understand it this time any more than you have before.

Truth, morality, ethics and such are not and cannot be absolute. They are necessarily subjective and will always be so. What you accept as moral, true or ethical is not the same as what someone raised in, say, Bosnia would accept as true, moral or ethical. It's hardly surprising, is it? It seems clear that you lack either the capacity or the will to understand this. I have in the past and will in the future ridicule you personally for that because you are clearly intelligent enough to understand it, you just refuse to out of stubborn pig-headedness. You try to take a personal antipathy toward me and create some convoluted and totally unfounded personal philosophy out of it. You think the things that you believe are the absolute be all and end all. I think the things that I believe are correct (and, not surprisingly, many of them are the same things you believe) but understand that everyone won't think so and I don't expect them to.

You "don't ask" me to believe the things you believe yet you expect me to believe in the "simple truths" that you believe in? Sorry Gonz, that just doesn't make any sense at all. I still ask: If these "simple truths" really exist, why don't they exist for everyone? I know you think that they do and all I can say is take off the blinders and look around. No, they don't.

Someday, Gonz, you'll understand something & then you'll believe. Maybe. :grinno:

Edit: I don't ask you to believe what I believe either (though it would be the correct way).
Looks like Obama may have taken himself outta the race. How dare a Liberal have anything to do with someone who doesn't love gays, eh?

But then, we already knew the black guy was only window dressing. Now we just have to wait to see how Shillery will shoot herself in the foot. She's already tired to get herself DQed twice, but her followers are too blind to notice it. She'll have to really screw up to fall back enough.
At one point in time I could have been behind a Thompson candidacy. When he isn't trying to win votes he makes some sense...then the politician comes out, and blows all that to hell.
At one point in time I could have been behind a Thompson candidacy. When he isn't trying to win votes he makes some sense...then the politician comes out, and blows all that to hell.

His website looks much better though.

I heard today that Tancredo is leaving the congress to ramp up his campain.

If the media would give him a little more coverage, instead of do their biased
thing, he might do a little better.

I think he needs to work of his "speaking" a little, so he doesn't stumble quite so much on his words.

All the media says that the immigration problem is the #1 domestic issue, but
none of them, or the candidates, much want to give it the respective coverage.
It should be in the news Every day, and with the amount of time that coincides
with the urgency that it seems the "people" feel that it has.
All the media says that the immigration problem is the #1 domestic issue, but
none of them, or the candidates, much want to give it the respective coverage.
It should be in the news Every day, and with the amount of time that coincides
with the urgency that it seems the "people" feel that it has.

But you see, no candidate can afford to take a firm stance on immigration for fear of alienating (no pun intended) a segment of voters. I hold out hope that if the right man can be found, the issue would be addressed post-inauguration when the pandering is no longer necessary.

Still, I wonder if such a platform plank WOULD alienate that many voters. I like to believe that a common sense candidate, wiling to voice the concerns of Mr. and Mrs. Wage Earner, with sufficient testicular fortitude to have a Damn the Torpedoes approach, might just be what is called for. I know the professional pundits will say that you just can't run a campaign that way...but why not? I see a lot of people so totally fed up with the political machine that it just might work.

Y'all wanna start a hat around, I might be persuaded to run...SnP for Li-ber-TY! :laugh:
Still, I wonder if such a platform plank WOULD alienate that many voters.

California, Texas and Florida... all very large states population-wise. One is considered a solid blue state, one considered a solid red state and the other is a swing state. All three have enormous Hispanic populations, big enough to sway the state from red to blue or vice versa if all other factors are equal.
At one point in time I could have been behind a Thompson candidacy. When he isn't trying to win votes he makes some sense...then the politician comes out, and blows all that to hell.

That could probably be said for any politican though that they just want votes and it comes to voting the less of 2 evils since they blow almost all ideals to hell.
California, Texas and Florida... all very large states population-wise. One is considered a solid blue state, one considered a solid red state and the other is a swing state. All three have enormous Hispanic populations, big enough to sway the state from red to blue or vice versa if all other factors are equal.

And if the illegals were prevented from inclusion in that vote?