Council Passes English Only Measure


New Member

This is a start, now if this can be done on a federal level it would be sweet...
TANEYTOWN, Md. -- English is now the official language of this central Maryland town of 5,000, after the Taneytown City Council approved a nonbinding resolution, deciding against a charter that had drawn complaints from civil rights groups and residents.
Here i thought that you Americans would finally switch to celcius or something... the English measure :)
Several states have passed a similar law. Unsure whether they even choose to enforce.
nonbinding resolution

Translation: Meaningless bullshit. Mind you, it's my contention that if you even visit another country where the language is different you should learn enough of that language to get around, let alone move there but stuff like this is basically analagous to, "Neener, neener poopy-head."
Translation: Meaningless bullshit. Mind you, it's my contention that if you even visit another country where the language is different you should learn enough of that language to get around, let alone move there but stuff like this is basically analagous to, "Neener, neener poopy-head."

I saw that, too. Of course, these laws don't matter unless at the state level, anyway. Most states print their statutes in more than one language. For example...hate to pick on one area in particular, but that was the first to pop up on google...