You'll love this one.... a consortium of psychologists, child therapists and religious leaders.Professur said:And who, pray tell, will administer them? Who gets to define good parenting?
MrBishop said:You'll love this one.... a consortium of psychologists, child therapists and religious leaders.
The same people who currently give those courses.
PrincessLissa said:I understand that you may have very good reasons behind your argument against adoption, but the way you have presented it has come across as very inhumane and uncaring. What if you have a child and somehow pass away before they are able to take of themselve? What would you want to happen to them? Let the natural order take it's course and deny your child of life?
Gonz said:Classes for what has come naturally for, well, forever. What's next, paying farmers not to grow food?
PrincessLissa said:I wish that more parents would take those classes that teach basic parent responsibilities. Things that you would think are common sense. Things like chaning diapers, how to breastfeed or bottle feed, relaxation technniques, how to hold baby and things like that.
I don't agree with a lot of parenting classes that target parents with older children. I do think however that the screening process for adoption should be a bit tighter.
HomeLAN said:Breastfeeding is a natural event, but it doesn't come easy for thousands of new mothers. Classes can help, and that yields health benfits for the child. Higher infant mortality rates than we currently experience are a "natural" phenomenon, too.