Cr@p weekend


Well-Known Member
One hell of a weekend – aka It doesn’t rain, but it pours

The whole this started on Saturday afternoon. My son’s had a cold, so with his asthma, we’ve had him on Flovent for a bit (2 in the morning and 2 in the evening). It’s kept him well for close to 2 no worries.

This time, it got worst, so we had to use the salbutamol as well. Overnight, we had to use it 4 times. During the day, he seemed to gain control, so we stopped the salbutamol. As the afternoon progressed, it got worst, so we left the states and went back to Canada.

I left my wife and daughter at home and went to the Children’s hospital with my son. Upon entry, he got a rush of 3 masks and 1 treatment of Pediacure (liquid steroid)…followed by a bed in the asthma room. His BloodOxigen was at 80% upon arrival. This was 7pm Sunday night.

At 12:30am, we got admitted to a room for the long haul. More masks (vapour-inhalers) and 26% oxygen when he wasn’t on the masks. We had to get him off the oxygen, sans vapour masks and with a BloodOx of 97%+ for a 5 hour stretch before they could release him. This finally came around 4pm the next day (Monday). They were going to give him one more mask and wait an hour to release after checking his bloodOx and making sure that his lungs sounded clear. He’d already gotten a chest XRay to make sure that he wasn’t getting pneumonia.

At 4:15pm, I got a call from my wife saying that my daughter’s school had called. It seems that he forehead had swelled to the point where she was unrecognizable. Backtracking for a moment…she’d received a slow-moving swing in the forehead on Sunday afternoon…no swelling, no nausea, no dizziness, and she hadn’t even cried. No big deal, right? A cold compress had been enough to stop any swelling…but 24hours later, the swelling was back with a vengeance.

So, my father went to go pick her up at school. I had the car, my wife was at work, so we ran out of options. At 5pm, my son got his clean bill of health and we went downstairs to meet my father who’d just arrived at the same Children’s hospital. My wife arrived a few minutes later. My daughter’s swelling was astounding! So, we went through the Emergency ward for a second time. She got head XRays to check for all sorts of stuff and was told that it was all normal swelling, to apply cold compresses. No fractures or signs of serious head trauma, so after 3 hours, we got sent home.

So, to recap. 2 day in the hospital with two separate kids. I didn’t sleep for 37 hours straight (not to mention the bad sleep from the night before this went off because my son was coughing all night). My son has Pediacare for 3 days and pumps for 2 weeks, nad I’m back at work….feeling and looking like hell. Joy!
None of the meds listed are OTC (here at least). He's followed by an asthma specialist who prescribes the meds and their use. Shoppers DrugMart doesn't exist here...not by that name anyway. :shrug: I'm well-read on the meds my kids take, when they do take's a Daddy thing, eh
It was a crappy weekend, but at least your kids got medical attention in time.
All right!! Which god did I piss off this week?

So...we had a freak storm yesterday....a doozie. Thunder, rain, hail the size of golf-balls, 110kph winds, the main bridge home has not 1, not 3 but SEVEN tractor trailers blown over on the span in both directions. Trees knocked down, branches on power-lines, 200,000 houses without power. Joy!

Took me 2 1/2 hours to get home. When I get there, we realize that we didn't cross-ventilate the windows, so rain (which was going sideways) got into my kids' rooms. 1/8" of water on my son's floor and the finish is bubbling up. His mattress is soaked, sheets etc.. clothes ready to be packed are soaked, teddy bears etc...soaked!
Same goes for my daughter's room.

MrsBish is trying to dry things out on the line and has the mattresses on the veranda trying to dry out. Another quick burst of rain to re-wet the clothes on the line. Lost power a few times.

My daughter ended up sleeping on an air mattress in my son's room because her mattress didn't dry out in time for bed.

*MrBishop shakes his fist at the sky*