Creationist Museum shows dinosaurs playing with human children

Hey about humans playing with dinosaurs?

While I do not believe in human evolution, I haven't really come to a conclusion about the evolution of the earth. But I admit that I do tend to side with a "young earth" belief.

Also, since death came as a result of original sin, I find it hard to believe that dinosaurs became extinct before Adam and Eve.

There is some evidence that indicates that humans knew of or have interacted with dinosaurs. There are inscriptions of dinosaur like beasts in a bishop's tomb. There are also plenty of other articles on the subject from AiG.
While I do not believe in human evolution, I haven't really come to a conclusion about the evolution of the earth. But I admit that I do tend to side with a "young earth" belief.

Also, since death came as a result of original sin, I find it hard to believe that dinosaurs became extinct before Adam and Eve.

That's one amazing amount of denial you've mustered. My vision of god doesn't depend on abandoning the obvious. I'm sorry if that comes off mean spirited. I have little patience for this subject.
I may be totally off base but I'll tell you my view on all of this. I tend to think that all the stories of the creation of the earth and mankind were man made tall tales passed down through families when small children would begin to ask questions. It gave the a short and concise answer to tough questions that they had no real answer for at that time and it tied in with the religion of the tellers.
Science has come in leaps and bounds and has been able to answer the questions that our counterparts 2000 years ago could only muse about.
Do I believe God created the universe? Yes. Do I believe that God created life on this (and any other) planet? Yes.
I also believe in evolution and dinosaurs.
This whole 7 days thing? This didn't come from God's mouth. It came from a man's mouth...a man with no access to any form of scientific knowledge.
I may be totally off base but I'll tell you my view on all of this. I tend to think that all the stories of the creation of the earth and mankind were man made tall tales passed down through families when small children would begin to ask questions.

apparently it works on ADULTS these days!
I may be totally off base but I'll tell you my view on all of this. I tend to think that all the stories of the creation of the earth and mankind were man made tall tales passed down through families when small children would begin to ask questions. It gave the a short and concise answer to tough questions that they had no real answer for at that time and it tied in with the religion of the tellers.

If you take that a step further, I think that all religion comes from the stories made up by primitive man to explain the world around him. As we learn better, we abandon the fairy tales. Well, some of us do. ;)

One of the problems I frequently have with those who try to "save" me is that if you look at it dispassionately then it seems blindingly obvious to me.
The First Book of Bokonon said:
All of the true things I am about to tell you are shameless lies.

In the beginning, God created earth, and he looked upon it in His cosmic loneliness.

And God said, "Let Us make living creatures out of mud, so the mud can see what We have done." And God created every living creature that now moveth, and one was man. Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close as mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke. Man blinked. "What is the purpose of all this?" he asked politely.

"Everything must have a purpose?" asked God.

"Certainly," said man.

"Then I leave it to you to think of one for all this," said God. And He went away.

Bokonon says of his first book: "Of course it's trash"
To hammer that point home, two smiling children clad in tasteful animal skins, work and play alongside a pair of baby Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Hey dad, is it raining in here?
No my son, it's probably the baby t-rex pissing on your leg.