Cultural unity

The ones already here broke the law but the millions & millions following are going to break it by entering illegally.
Today the streets are snarled with Anti-American
mess-kin protesters! WTF???

What should happen is the border patrol round the lot of them up
and send em' back

Better yet, have the National Guard herd them in to pens and jail them for
civil insurrection!
Winky said:
What should happen is the border patrol round the lot of them up
and send em' back

"They came in with guns and told us to get out,"

U.S. urged to apologize for 1930s deportations

USA Today story. It's meant to tug at heartstrings & push people toward a more open border policy but what it says instead is...we kicked out those that weren't citizens when we didn't need them. I don't see a problem. A few, some, many of them many have been legal temporary workers (hehe) but they, simply, were not Americans.
Gonz said:
Look up the word METAPHOR. It may save time & thread sapce.

You should look it up since your metaphors suck. I've already tried fixing them.

There is a way for them to do it legally.

No, there really just isn't for many of them.

What did you have to do to be a US citizen?
Well it is official; the beanners have told us today
in this 'border town' that America is illegal immigration.

We have absolutely no right what so ever to enforce any border

we are to bend to the will of anyone and everyone
that wants the right to do whatever when ever they want
in this 'plot of dirt'

and I'm certain we indeed will do just that

sad very, sad indeed
Gonz said:
we kicked out those that weren't citizens when we didn't need them. I don't see a problem.

yeah and wouln't it be great if we could toss out useless citizen's too? we could get ridda most of the UAW!
flavio said:
You should look it up since your metaphors suck. I've already tried fixing them.

WHy? His, at least, deal with the apples-apples style. Most of yours are incoherent rants which have nothing at all to do with the current topic.

flavio said:
No, there really just isn't for many of them.

So we should just let them come in any way they desire, regardless of what they do? That's what they do now.

flavio said:
What did you have to do to be a US citizen?

What did you? What are you doing to enrich your citizenship? How would you suggest this whole thing be fixed? You have plenty of ideas, so why not share them?
Gato_Solo said:
WHy? His, at least, deal with the apples-apples style. Most of yours are incoherent rants which have nothing at all to do with the current topic.

Bullshit. The village analogy was far more accurate than any house analogy.

So we should just let them come in any way they desire, regardless of what they do? That's what they do now.

How about change things to encourage legal immigration and actually make it possible?
flavio said:
Bullshit. The village analogy was far more accurate than any house analogy.

Really? I thought yours was way off...;)

flavio said:
How about change things to encourage legal immigration and actually make it possible?

That's a nice sound bite, but there's no substance behind it. You can do better than that, can't you?
All I see is 2 extremes.

The way I see it, the US needs to tighten the border, for it's own wellbeing, as a continued drain on services (health etc.) cannot be maintained indefintaly.

If an immigrant is there Illegally and is working, tax him/her If not working deport him/her. If you tax him/her and they quit their job...deport them, they break the law..deport them.

What is wrong with tightening the borders? Can everyone see that it is Illegal to come over ILLEGALLY, fine it sucks where they come from (supposedly) but to use the village analogy (not metaphor). If village has such an abundance of food etc, couldn't all the people coming from village b mess up the system, eating the portion of grain that was meant for next years planting, meaning next year is a famine, going out collect berries without leaving the 20% on the bush to ensure that next year they will grow back (meaning taxes) overburdening the well, with the large influx of population also means maybe having to plant a field when it was meant to remain fallow, hence next years harvest will be weaker.

Now is someone from village b comes to a and says I want to JOIN your village, I agree to work, and when I pick berries I promise to leave 20% on the bush, and to share 10% to make booze like everyone else does, oh and I have these skills that make me useful then they get let in.

But what is happening now is people from b are sneaking into a and yes they are farming but on fields that are needed by others, then claiming they are their own, some are picking all the berries without sharing, then saying they have a right to be there using all the facilities without having contributed to the building of said facilities or neither helping with the upkeep.

and someone will come back with but they have starving children....

Guess what the world sucks children starve, it's a country not a charity, to balance everything so there will be a future in that country sometimes you just gotta send people away.
paul_valaru said:
I liked the village analogy, it was right on the head, it is more of a village than a house.

The house is closer, IMO, because the house is personal. The village isn't.


Unlike earlier protests in Los Angeles and other cities when protestors waved flags from Mexico and other countries, activists Monday around the country waved American flags, an obvious response to criticism that illegal immigrants aren't interested in assimilating into American culture and have no allegiance to this nation.

Clearer now?
Gato_Solo said:
The house is closer, IMO, because the house is personal. The village isn't.

But this is a more a case of people taking from the public good without paying into it.

A house break in is more germany invading poland.

Or a certain war in a IRA*blank* type place that is talked about enough in other threads, this is not an invasion, just immagration.

And a village can be plenty personal, it depends on the person, you see it as a house cause it is very personal to you, I see it as a village, cause I am thinking along the lines if they contribute I don't care what else they do.
paul_valaru said:
But this is a more a case of people taking from the public good without paying into it.

A house break in is more germany invading poland.

And what would you describe a situation where an area is flooded with foreigners who do not want to join the area they moved to, without permission, and insist on not being targeted as criminal?
Gato_Solo said:
And what would you describe a situation where an area is flooded with foreigners who do not want to join the area they moved to, without permission, and insist on not being targeted as criminal?

I would describe is as dumb, but not an ARMED invasion (which is what I meant)

The situation seriously reminds me of a leaky faucet you KNOW it is leaking but it is not so annoying that you break out the tool kit to fix it, but now you have a flood and you are there holding a liitle $5 wrenc when you need serious help. Except here the water is demanding squatters rights.

Meaning that all this is the fault of the US Goverment, they took no real pains to curtail the influx of Illegals, some basic half hearted BS to look good for press confrences, basically saying it was almost an open door, and when the door shuts of course people are going to freak out, now if they enforced the laws in the first, this thread would not exist.
paul_valaru said:
If If an immigrant is there Illegally and is working, tax him/her If not working deport him/her. If you tax him/her and they quit their job...deport them, they break the law..deport them.

If an alien came here illegally they already broke the law so are we forced to wait for them to break another?

In the 30's, we had white migrant farm workers. They travelled from state to state to work the fields. Why? The dust bowl. That plus the idea was you work you sit you starve.
paul_valaru said:
I would describe is as dumb, but not an ARMED invasion (which is what I meant)

Then an unarmed invasion is okay?

paul_valaru said:
The situation seriously reminds me of a leaky faucet you KNOW it is leaking but it is not so annoying that you break out the tool kit to fix it, but now you have a flood and you are there holding a liitle $5 wrenc when you need serious help. Except here the water is demanding squatters rights.

Did you know that 'squatters rights' are enforced in some Latin American countries? In other words, they want the same 'rights' in the US...even though they are not citizens.

paul_valaru said:
Meaning that all this is the fault of the US Goverment, they took no real pains to curtail the influx of Illegals, some basic half hearted BS to look good for press confrences, basically saying it was almost an open door, and when the door shuts of course people are going to freak out, now if they enforced the laws in the first, this thread would not exist.

You get no argument there. This started happening in the 1970's and 1980's, when one of our past presidents gave amnesty to all illegal immigrants who had been in the US for at least 5 years. He figured it would solve the problem, but, instead, it made the problem larger. Now those who come over have hope that it will happen again.
Gonz said:
If an alien came here illegally they already broke the law so are we forced to wait for them to break another?

The problem is it has become such an institution now that the amounts of protests fallouts etc. for deporting EVERY illegal immigrant would be unsurmountable, never mind the ones that have had children in the US. One solution would be toughen up the border, then call for a general amnesty, say one year to regester as a citizen (providing you have no criminal record) and go from there.
paul_valaru said:
The problem is it has become such an institution now that the amounts of protests fallouts etc. for deporting EVERY illegal immigrant would be unsurmountable, never mind the ones that have had children in the US. One solution would be toughen up the border, then call for a general amnesty, say one year to regester as a citizen (providing you have no criminal record) and go from there.

That's what happened the last time...until the 'tightening of the borders' part, when congress wouldn't pony up the money. They were too busy with 'Welfare Reform', which ended up costing more, so the money for the Border Patrol never materialized. As it's going now, I give this about 10 years before it either blows up, or is shown to be a tempest in a teapot...