All I see is 2 extremes.
The way I see it, the US needs to tighten the border, for it's own wellbeing, as a continued drain on services (health etc.) cannot be maintained indefintaly.
If an immigrant is there Illegally and is working, tax him/her If not working deport him/her. If you tax him/her and they quit their job...deport them, they break the law..deport them.
What is wrong with tightening the borders? Can everyone see that it is Illegal to come over ILLEGALLY, fine it sucks where they come from (supposedly) but to use the village analogy (not metaphor). If village has such an abundance of food etc, couldn't all the people coming from village b mess up the system, eating the portion of grain that was meant for next years planting, meaning next year is a famine, going out collect berries without leaving the 20% on the bush to ensure that next year they will grow back (meaning taxes) overburdening the well, with the large influx of population also means maybe having to plant a field when it was meant to remain fallow, hence next years harvest will be weaker.
Now is someone from village b comes to a and says I want to JOIN your village, I agree to work, and when I pick berries I promise to leave 20% on the bush, and to share 10% to make booze like everyone else does, oh and I have these skills that make me useful then they get let in.
But what is happening now is people from b are sneaking into a and yes they are farming but on fields that are needed by others, then claiming they are their own, some are picking all the berries without sharing, then saying they have a right to be there using all the facilities without having contributed to the building of said facilities or neither helping with the upkeep.
and someone will come back with but they have starving children....
Guess what the world sucks children starve, it's a country not a charity, to balance everything so there will be a future in that country sometimes you just gotta send people away.