DAMMIT!! Are you a man or a woman!?!

Altron said:
I am mature for my age

Everybody over 13 who said that when they were 13, raise you r hands. 1,2,3...yep all of 'em, are up. :D
Altron said:
I am mature for my age

Umm. I thought so too at the time: smoking, drinking, popping pills, staying out all night ... But that's London for ya.

Funny the parents didn't see it that way.... ?(

Nothing new under the sun so they say... ;)
I dont do that stuff
I sit aorund all night in the Forums!
Their my Anti-Drug!
(Well they are so addicting, maybe they are my drug!)
I also look alot older, im 6'1"
Altron said:
I dont do that stuff
I sit aorund all night in the Forums!
Their my Anti-Drug!
(Well they are so addicting, maybe they are my drug!)
I also look alot older, im 6'1"

I used to hang out with my older sister and her friends so I had to prove I wasn't a wimp.

My younger brother was 6'2" at your age, 6'6" @ 16. He's 6'9" now - tends to bang his head in doorways and complains about the beds being too short. :cool:

The other one(the youngest) is 6'10" and my sister is 6'1".

I'm the shortass - only 5' 8". :(

Altron, you sound suspiciously like my brother. I know you're not but it's scary how alike you guys sound.
What do you mean
also i noticed that your the "Typo Queen"
check this out


crayon.gif, 5.91kb

HomeLAN said:
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...

Altron said:
What are you talking about
This is a one page example

Altron the typing & spelling genius said:
I dont do that stuff
I sit aorund all night in the Forums!
Their my Anti-Drug!
(Well they are so addicting, maybe they are my drug!)
I also look alot older, im 6'1"

Altron said:
look in da mirror Dont worry, I am mature for my age and act liek I am older
people are always surprised to hear im 13

i dont really care about spelling
cuz i dont spell anything rite

and I didn't even point out the lack of puctuation. you should care if you wish to pick on Nixy :D
I mod everything that doesnt go in computers
i made a pole to put my camera on
i made a little attechment for the pole
i modded a reciever and took out the turntable
i tried to fix the tuner
i broke the radio
i made a lamp out of a mountain dew code red bottle
i made a phoneline so one of the 3 phones in my bedroom cna be on the other phoneline
and at 10/7/02 10:00AM i decided that I would spell everything correctly and proofread my posts.
i made a phoneline so one of the 3 phones in my bedroom cna be on the other phoneline
and at 10/7/02 10:00AM i decided that I would spell everything correctly and proofread my posts.
Altron said:
I mod everything that doesnt go in computers
i made a pole to put my camera on
i made a little attechment for the pole
i modded a reciever and took out the turntable
i tried to fix the tuner
i broke the radio
i made a lamp out of a mountain dew code red bottle
i made a phoneline so one of the 3 phones in my bedroom cna be on the other phoneline
and at 10/7/02 10:00AM i decided that I would spell everything correctly and proofread my posts.

I see... I thought you were talking about modding graphics files for computer games. :)
i do some scripting for computer games, and i used to attempt to make Winamp skins

Originally posted in PuterTutor's signature
I luv PT with all that I am cuz PT is SO hot!!!
I mean that, the language you use sounds like my brother, the description you gave sounds like my brother, all those mods and destruction of things sounds like my brother.

I only know you're not my brother because he is 14 not 13 and because your IPs don't match.

And yes, I am the typo Queen. Not so much here because I USUALLY proof read here but in IMs I am HORRIBLE.
Click on my web-site symbol and you'll see what I mean. I don't mod - I designed the website aka "Starfire".
Oh, and that quote is like that because we had to give him sig ideas that didn't contain the letter "e".