Damn careers choices


New Member
Bleh. Am presented with a wee problem, I'm more interested in my Psych minor than my Multimedia major, so I think I'll be changing over to major in psych.

Thats not the problem, I never did Biology at A level, so I want to do it now, so I can do medical science and human biology combined after my psych degree (to leave me the option as training for a medical profession), the only problem is finding the time to Psych at degree level and an A level, whilst working some evenings to top up the student loan.

Are there any agencies or organisations to help me study at A level in my free time? I've only found VTECs and GNVQs, oh and GCSE. :confused:

Damn this education system! It's going to take years just to become a registered psycholgist! Gaaargh!


<b>mod cow</b>
Gonz said:
Psych anything....RUN.

Get a real degree.

heh, if you're interested in the human mind, in what drives people, and want to be able to explain certain actions of certain people, then DO go ahead and change.
it is a real degree. understanding other people gives so much power. understanding other people gives so much knowledge...

i find it extremely interesting.
and most of all, the first person who will fully understand gonz gets a prize ;)


Well-Known Member
only Gonz can understand gonz Shadow. does that count ;)

I am a psych major myself as I too find it intresting