Damn screws

A 486 should* have at least 1MB of RAM.

640kB - base memory
384kB - reserved for BIOS and video buffer.

Some of that memory can be used thou, by using EMM386 with the parameter NOEMS (no expanded memory emulation), and using the DOS=HIGH,UMB line.

The "HIGH" tells DOS to install itself in HMA, and UMB to provide upper memory blocks, which are non used memory blocks from certain reserved areas.

*should as in very very not likely to have less.
Ohh, if i recall correctly,

win 3.1 working in standard mode needs 1MB, working in 386mode needs 2MB (not so sure about this one).

win 3.11 needs at least 4MB
win95 needs at least 4MB.
I have tried to cut a window.
Unfortunately, a hacksaw isn't the tool of choice when cutting 1mm zinc plated steel.
I tried the jigsaw, but it was scary.
I tried toe holesaw, it was scary too
The Dremel was making huge sparks.
Check the gallery again, I have new pics!