A 486 should* have at least 1MB of RAM.
640kB - base memory
384kB - reserved for BIOS and video buffer.
Some of that memory can be used thou, by using EMM386 with the parameter NOEMS (no expanded memory emulation), and using the DOS=HIGH,UMB line.
The "HIGH" tells DOS to install itself in HMA, and UMB to provide upper memory blocks, which are non used memory blocks from certain reserved areas.
*should as in very very not likely to have less.
640kB - base memory
384kB - reserved for BIOS and video buffer.
Some of that memory can be used thou, by using EMM386 with the parameter NOEMS (no expanded memory emulation), and using the DOS=HIGH,UMB line.
The "HIGH" tells DOS to install itself in HMA, and UMB to provide upper memory blocks, which are non used memory blocks from certain reserved areas.
*should as in very very not likely to have less.