DAMN, tonks!

kaz? MINE!!!!!!!
tonks said:
kaz? MINE!!!!!!!

LOL, no worries hun - he's all your's....bit to feminine for my liking :D

hobes said:
Theres a very sick joke that would work well right now... but I don't think I should tell it.

What! A joke too sick for OTC!!!! We being overrun by virgins then? :eek:
Of course you are hun.....but sometimes you need to be not-so-nice if you don't want to get stuck with sloppy seconds.
Dude, in the summer of '87 I was 9 years old! Only way I took any guy on was in wrestling............hmm, well I suppose it's kinda wrestling nowadays too, but the rules have changed a bit.
Ye know, if I were a hick, i could say 'No - Ottawa was in me'...........but since I'm not a hick, I can honestly say nope, I was in SA - probably learning the fine art of launching spitball torpedoes or summin.
OK...who ordered a slice of beefcake?
The red-hot hed-haired hottie in the corner??
You axed for it, chu got it bay-be!!!
I think I may be going blind after that pic Bish.....well, mind you, if it means not having to look at okes like that anymore......anyone know where to find a good guide dog?
MrBishop said:
OK...who ordered a slice of beefcake?
The red-hot hed-haired hottie in the corner??
You axed for it, chu got it bay-be!!!

Is it just me, or does it look like a composite pic, with the over-large head stuck onto someone elses body?? At least I hope it is, or that guy is just freaky...