dang . . .


Well-Known Member
Thats twice I've had threads closed during the creation of my most civil replies..

.. . . I just wanted to have some OTC fun. :crap:
Shivers is what you gave many of us with certain scene in that video you posted a while back. ;)
Just fine :D

It was a video from a trip you made, on certain scene you put the camera on the floor facing up and then you walked over it, wearing shorts.
I think it's been almost as long as you've been gone since we've closed a thread, RM.
Of the many twisted videos I have made . . . funny the way some peoples memory werks*** :eek5: :hmm: :toast:

I have recently uploaded a few vid's to the YouTube (which by the way is one of the more wonderous sites I have found since I've "re-connected" to thed I-net)

I would suppose this is the vid @ 2:44. :retard3:
Kinda funny how everybody whines about it yet everybody knows what it means, huh?