Daylight Saving Time

Got up at 9:30 thinking "wow! I sure slept in!!" Went downstairs and cleaned the kitchen - when I was done, I looked at the clock and it was only 9:07...??? Then it dawned on me....

I CAN TIME TRAVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I kicked mine in too early - MUCH too early!

I changed my clocks on Friday night, having misunderstood the process "Don't forget to change your clocks forward one hour on Saturday" -

Late Friday become early Saturday, so I change thee clocks forward and go to bed. I wake up early on Saturday morning (6:30am) to take my kid to hockey practice. I get him up, dressed, breakfasted and get to the arena at 7:30 so he can hit the ice at 8am.'s 7am!

So, I've got an hour to kill :p
You know, this process occurs annually, and has for as long as most of us have been alive. Except those select areas that don't fool with it at all, winky. I have a hard time seeing how this is so difficult.

Every spring I hear people griping for a week or longer about how "the time change" has them all messed up. It's an hour sleep, many of us miss an hour sleep staying up to watch a movie/ball game/out with friends/whatever? That doesn't seem to completely throw our bodies into chaos...why should this? Then we get the same crowd almost foaming at the mouth in the fall, just dying to "get that extra hour sleep".

Really. Y'all crack me up. Such delicate flowers...
It's not the loosing an hours sleep, it's getting out of bed an hour earlier than usual, body lets you know you should still be in bed.
Closer to jetlag, where you can get as much sleep as normal, but when you get to your new 'timezone', your body is thinking "It's 8am" and the sun is about to set.

On a smaller scale to be sure.