dear fury,

They're not supposed to be bearded either... any dwarf costumes in there? We could give the wedding a LotR theme. Scanty could dress up as Arwen. Whoreable could be Aragorn. I volunteer to play Gimli...
/me wasn't indicating Ards had to be Mr. Potato head....just that someone should.
/me breathes a sigh of relief.

Ah... that makes me feel better.

Some women have actually said that they like the shape of my head... but you never know if that's something to be proud of, or if they just have some weird potato fetish.
I think I would just *run away* if someone said that to me. No sense taking any chances. Vegetable fetishes can be quite dangerous :eek13:
Q said:
I can picture Jerrek wearing the goofy looking elf get up, but flurf is a big, I don't think elves are supposed to be JUMBO!!

Jerrek's the maid of honor, remember. He gets the petticoat and tit tassles.