dear fury,

Can I be the the woman in the third row that wails and cries at full force volume from beginning to end? 'I always cry at weddings ... BWAA!! BOO HOO!... MY BABY!!... *SOB*'
I'd like to play "It's a Nice Day For A White Wedding" on the organ, please., no... not your organ...sheesh you guys...
unclehobart said:
Can I be the the woman in the third row that wails and cries at full force volume from beginning to end? 'I always cry at weddings ... BWAA!! BOO HOO!... MY BABY!!... *SOB*'

:D Sure thang, boss... *spit-ding!*

The color scheme will be is citrus everybody, so I wanna see all that embarrassing flourescent summer-wear you bought in high-school come out of the closet, uh huh, ladies you'll be in pink floral numbers with striped orange stockings, men, yellow spandex variations please. Cummerbunds are mandatory.
*is excited because the wedding planner gets to wear a headset and yell at everyone when they don't do what they are suppose to*
Scanty said:
The color scheme will be is citrus everybody, so I wanna see all that embarrassing flourescent summer-wear you bought in high-school come out of the closet, uh huh, ladies you'll be in pink floral numbers with striped orange stockings, men, yellow spandex variations please. Cummerbunds are mandatory.

oo! oo! Can I wear the lime green dress and wings I bought for a special occasion?? It kinda goes with the color scheme, doesn't it? Here's what I'll look like:


Those are very stylish wings, but I believe we may have some OSHA issues to address, if you're going to wear them at a public event :D
Acronym Finder said:
OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Administration (US government)
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
OSHA On-Site Hazard Analysis
OSHA Operation & Support Hazard Analysis
maybe we should have all the girls looking like greenie... And if the girls are gonna be fairies that means that boys will have to be elves... :shrug:

I can picture Jerrek wearing the goofy looking elf get up, but flurf is a big, I don't think elves are supposed to be JUMBO!!:eek: