Dear Journal...


Well-Known Member
I should be doing some research but old habits die hard I guess ... almost like magic, my fingers type in this URL .. *shrug* ... oh well ...

Day 1 Sunday and Monday
I'm calling this "Day 1" cause I left my house at 11am on Sunday and didn't arrive at my final destination until after noon on Monday. Since I didn't actually sleep, it's only a day for me. Nothing much to say about that time really - just a lot waiting and flying. Wait for a plane ... get on the plane .. wait a little more .. fly ... get off the plane .. wait for another plane .. and the cycle continued for about 17 hours. By the time I got to Atlanta, my brain was on the phlypsyde of delirious.
So what are you doing in Hotlanta? You never never write...Just where are we going? :D
Day 2

Rob took me to a park by the Chattahoochee river ... before we start out on our "walk" (yeah .. that's what Rob calls a "hike" :p :D), anyway, before we're on our way he tells me it's probably not a good idea to touch a lot of the greenery since I don't know what's poisonous or not ... so, I stear clear of the greens though there were some really beautiful plants and trees out there ... I was just scared shitless of them :D ... then we got to this clearing and it was beautiful! Never seen strata such of the likes of that before ... nor have I seen a river wider than 10 or 20 feet before. It was amazing.

Saw some squirrels and took pictures .. Rob thought I was nuts but I've never seen one before .. they're so cute! My kids will appreciate those pics, I'm sure.

Ok .. so, we're walking along, right? And out of NOWHERE comes this SNAKE! Of course, I freeze right away =- visions of movies I've seen with killer snakes fill my head for those 30 seconds as this thing just crosses the path not 2 feet from me ...

So basically, Rob took me on a hike (he swears it was less than half a mile ... I think it was more like 10 or so *rubbing my sore muscles*) surrounded by potentially poisonous greenery and deadly snakes ... hmm... I think he's trying to kill me :D

Oh yeah - how can I forget? I saw the Big-Ass Chicken! I have to say, that is, by far, the best Big-Ass Chicken I've ever seen. Know what else I saw? Fireflies! Actual Fireflies! My kids are gonna get a kick outta that when I tell them :)

Jetlag and all, I'm beginning to really like Atlanta.
Day 3

Even when the day just begins in Atlanta, my body has been wide awake for several hours. I have got to get out of this weirded out funk :D

Went to the Atlanta History Center today .. very cool .. see, I have relatives that come from this area of the country but I've never had any kind of "connection" to them .. this place brought a lot of that home.

Oh .. here's a story that just broke my heart ...

We were in the area of the museum that had an exhibit of the Civil War and the people and families that were "left behind" when a soldier died. There was this pin that a soldier made carved out of the bone from his amputated leg ... it was a little thing, carved with the name "Lizzie" on it .. she was his girl ... so he gives it to the nurse and tells her to give that pin to his girl, only he dies without telling the nurse who Lizzie is! The nurse has no idea who Lizzie is or how to get the pin to her! :( I cried when I read that ... did she know how much he loved her? Did she eve know that he was thinking about her when he died? *sob* *sniff*

So I'm sitting there, my hand to my chest and ready to break down in tears and I let out this heavy sigh ... Rob says "I know ... he carved his own leg!"... *shaking my head* ... Men ....

Had dinner with Steve and his wife tonight. Great little family he's got there ... his little boy is a cutey!.. love his wife too - she's hella cool. Any time any of y'all are out in Atlanta, make sure Steve fires up the grill for you .. he's one helluva chef :)
Gato - today I'm scheduled to work .. I have a ton of research to do and I haven't touched any of it :D .. I tried to do some yesterday at the Museum Archives but it was closed for renovations ... the bastards!

Prof - I'm having a great time! Everything is different here ... from the insects to the architecture. I'm still going through a bit of culture shock, but it's all good. I fear the twang I let go of as a child is creeping up on me though :eek:

Q - hehehehe ... I know it's a shocker ... I didn't tell hardly anyone that I was coming out here. Didn't wanna *jinx* it ;)

I've been calling my kids every day though ... telling them of all the things I'm seeing and doing ... they couldn't believe I saw a snake and fireflies :D
I've been calling ku'u too ... the baby is holding her head up already! *sniff* I told her to show the baby pictures of me every day so she doesn't forget who I am :D

So, are you staying at a hotel, or sleeping with Rob?

And how is it that you're hanging around with him, and you're able to post, but he isn't??

OHMIGOD!!! You've got him tied up in the bedroom, don't you?
yes, a twang ... I spent some years of my early childhood in North Carolina ... and, my father was from Texas so that just firmly plants that twang in my DNA :D

So, are you staying at a hotel, or sleeping with Rob?
.. by-passes this query as if it were not seen

And how is it that you're hanging around with him, and you're able to post, but he isn't??
I'm working ... like I always am when I'm posting here ... ;) plus he's... umm.. busy .... yeah .. that's it ... he's busy

OHMIGOD!!! You've got him tied up in the bedroom, don't you?
dammit Prof - don't give me away!


alrighty .. back to work with me ...
No worries, prof. Ku'u is the kidnapper...not Na... :D However...Ku'u has been more absent than I have of late...perhaps it's catching... :D
One would imagine that Ku'u has been kidnapped herself - by her own kid.

Nalani, anytime dear. You're always welcome for dinner. Next time, bring a swimsuit.
A swimsuit for dinner? Is that what you wear to dinner down there? I really have to do more research before I vacation in the south.

So what would you wear if your boss is coming to dinner? Lingere?
What did she go swimming in?? Her underoos?? the coconut bra? what??? TELL US!!!
Day 4

Work .. work .. work ..
Even in Georgia it seems that's all I do :D

Did some research today and when I finally got offline me and Rob went to Borders - I wanted to do more research but it was too late to go to a library, so you do the next best thing :) .... before we got to Borders though, I wandered in to a Pac Sun (Pacific Sun Coast Clothing) and bought some stuff for my kids ... strange to be buying surfwear in the middle of a state that has no surf to speak of from a store that exists in my town not 5 miles from my house :D ... anyway, after that Rob took me to dinner at a sushi bar ... I know what you're thinking ... sushi bar? in Georgia? How good could it be? I know .. cause I was thinking the same thing .. well, it was very very good ... as good as we get in Hawai'i ... the fish was fresh and I was very happy to have nori (seaweed). Plus, the ti leaf they used was from Hawai'i .. my little touch of home :)

It was a good day ...

Q - I only use my coconut bra on special occassions ;)

Luis - *spooky music fills the air* I'm everywhere :eek:
Day 5


Y'all won't believe the amount of family members I found out here in the South! Of course, they existed in the 1800's but hey - I ain't picky :D
Spent the day at the Cobb County Public Library doing research on my family .. sounds oh-so-exciting, doesn't it? I know .. doesn't sound that way to many but to me, dang..if I could spend all my days researching my family I'd be so happy ...

We take off tomorrow for the north ... will be gone for days and days ... happy trails!
Originally posted by nalani

You mastered their language! :D j/k

Come on over to Chi Town sometime! After this summer, I'll have a car, and I'd be able to pick you (or anyone coming in) up right at O'Hare, I live only a couple of miles away. Bring your swimwear, poncho, and your winter wear, you might need all of them. Today was a good example. :D