Death by stoning?!


Staff member
Outrageous! :(
Out of Nigeria comes a powerful reminder that things aren’t the same in Islamic-based societies as they are in ours. An appeal by a 30-year-old woman who had sex out of wedlock has been rejected by an Islamic High Court, meaning the mother of a small baby will be stoned to death as soon as her child finishes breastfeeding.

Amina Lalwal was stunned by the verdict and burst into tears as she clutched her daughter. Meanwhile, many of the 60 people who packed the small courtroom on Monday shouted, “God is great!” in the Hausa dialect.

The judge upheld a March verdict that sentenced Lalwal to the harsh death because she gave birth more than nine months after divorcing. Her conviction was upheld after she admitted to having sex outside marriage.

That’s not good enough for the New York-based Human Rights Watch, which opposes capital punishment in all circumstances. They immediately condemned the verdict, saying, “The legal system is being used to punish adult women for consensual sex.''

Lalwal is the second Nigerian woman sentenced to death for having unmarried sex since Islamic law, or Shariah, was introduced in a dozen northern states. The first had her sentence overturned.

Her lawyers say they will appeal.
Of course you realize that not all countries have the same laws as we 'enlightened' Westerners...The penalty is the same for the husband if he gets caught as well...Looks like the media is trying, once again, to spin something out of control by making this a woman's issue instead of a human issue...I agree that stoning is a little harsh, but it is their law. When I was in Saudi, they had several executions (one was for rape), and they were all men...Lop-lop square was what we called it.
Is the man she had sex with getting stoned to death also? If he is also getting the same punishment, they probably won't draw attention to it because the media probably doesn't think it will get as much readers as if they just concentrate on the women.

Since the child was born out of wedlock and the mother traditionally cares for the children (and she's going to be executed), I don't see anything wrong with drawing attention to the fact that she's a female. Yes the article is dramatic-but that's what they always do. They draw you into the details. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying I've gotten used to it and I just don't believe everything that I read.
Actually, in a Muslim society, the father is the one who sees to it that the child is *ahem* properly raised. The mother is only there for feeding the child until the child is weaned. Strange, but true...
I'm just wondering how long can a woman keep breastfeeding? Two years? Maybe more?
Some societies nurse until around 4 years old. Long after the child has most of his/her teeth. Depends mostly upon socio-economic factors as well. Sometimes my fiancee brestfeeds me... :brow: ...but I don't think that's quite the same thing (no, she isn't lactating :p)...
It's their cultures and their way of life. The woman knew that when she committed adultery. Why do "civilized" people always feel the need to butt into other cultures and "enlighten" them. :rolleyes:

Shit, when "civilized" people came to Hawaii, they called us dirty. Hawaiians bathe daily, more than what some "civilized" societies practice.
hell .. if I were a part of Islam, I'd have been stoned to death like a thousand times already ...
kuulani said:
It's their cultures and their way of life. The woman knew that when she committed adultery. Why do "civilized" people always feel the need to butt into other cultures and "enlighten" them. :rolleyes:

Shit, when "civilized" people came to Hawaii, they called us dirty. Hawaiians bathe daily, more than what some "civilized" societies practice.

Hell, some still do call us "dirty" ... but last time I looked, we're not the ones who go to sleep without bathing ... that's just gross, I'm sorry :rolleyes:

you know what else? Hawaiians practiced what they preached ...
kuulani said:
It's their cultures and their way of life. The woman knew that when she committed adultery. Why do "civilized" people always feel the need to butt into other cultures and "enlighten" them. :rolleyes:

Shit, when "civilized" people came to Hawaii, they called us dirty. Hawaiians bathe daily, more than what some "civilized" societies practice.

does the same hold true with cannibals?

I fully agree with the sentiment behind your thought but some things aren't that simple. "Dirty", I think, refers to your skin tone. Mexicans get called dirty too.
hell na, if you were a muslim its highly unlikely you'd have got stoned at all. some background reading i've been doing has found that this ruling is a highly idioscyratic take on the law, and seems set purely for political manoevering. this has almost nothing to do with the shariah law.
saw a stoning video today, horrific! :mad2: if people did me that, and ghosts exist, god help their entire family line, cause i'd come back and kill every fucker :mad2:
know what? i don't care, people with values such as the extremist islam do not deserve to exist, nuke em, i'm physically sick here at the thought that such ideals exist in 2002, kill em, kill every fucking one of em... :mad2: