Death of a Baby Bunny..........."Hoppy" Died Lastnight.


New Member
Well, so much for showin' him to my youngins.:(

After a few nibbles of Rhubarb, an' jus' a few hours of over night stay, regrettably, I found his pitiful, stiff, little, earless-body stretched out in his box.

I dunno, maybe he was sick or somethin'. Do rhubarb leaves poison bunnies or what? I mus' be a terrible pet keeper:(

Guess I'll go back to catchin' butterflies or somethin'.:rolleyes:
Rhubarb leaves are poisonous to humans, IIRC. Could well be the same for rabbits although you'd expect that not to be the case.

Poor Hoppy. :(
Thanks guys! 'Spect he's hoppin' down that Heavenly little bunny-trail 'bout now.

Please let me know, if someone can tell me whether rhubarb poisons the little fellers. I mean, the way he took to it, I jus' figured he'd eaten it before.............

Probably shoulda picked up some baby formula las' night, instead.:(
Rhubarb, I'm sorry to say, has poisonous leaves. The stalks are safe for humans. The leaves are a big, big no-no.
Well, guess I can chalk that up to experience............Thanks Fury & Prof!!

Man, my woman will not let this "boo-boo" go, much for nursin' him back to health..........damn.:mope:
Sorry to hear it, Ren. Most animals instintively know what they can and can't eat.
Professur said:
Silence may be the gold you need to buy your ass outta there.

Yer probably right Prof, but what about confession bein' good for the soul? I do feel badly for Hoppy, an' all.

Plus, she's been jazzin' me all evenin' about bein' a bunny killer, an' I, ofcourse, hold fast the position of, "naw, he jus' died of natural causes...........hey! come to think of it they WERE all "natural causes.....yeah, that's it!..................

(Naw, didn't work, I still think I'm still a bunny killer) Thanks for tryin' though.:( :)
PuterTutor said:
Sorry to hear it, Ren. Most animals instintively know what they can and can't eat.

Yeah! That's the second thing I thought when I read this thread. =\
PuterTutor said:
Sorry to hear it, Ren. Most animals instintively know what they can and can't eat.

That was my original belief, ya know, like he had some kinda built food warn-o-meter............who'da thought?
Don't dwell on it too much. In your ignorance as to the effects of rhubarb, you decided to trust the rabbit's instincts. I probably would've done the same if I were in your situation. :tardbang:
fury said:
Don't dwell on it too much. In your ignorance as to the effects of rhubarb, you decided to trust the rabbit's instincts. I probably would've done the same if I were in your situation. :tardbang:

I do feel a little bit better, thanks.

Ya know, I had been imaginin' all these cool pictures of this, (one day), fully mature, "earless" rabbit........strange lookin', but uniquely lovable. Like a fuzzy little "underdog" of sorts.

Kinda like those cats with no hair, or somethin'.........hey Fur, can ya conjure up a pic. of a cat with no fur??(