Defining Conservativism and Liberalism - Help?

MrBishop said:
I put it into the LL, because there are a lot of OTCers that avoid the RW like the plague..and I wanted varied responces. :swing:

Bish, daum, I don't venture out of the real world.

Les, I think Winks has the premise that that woman knew he was a cheating fool prior to getting into the relationship with him. (like he was married when they met).

Winky, go boy!

TN, hey Mac-Daddy
ResearchMonkey said:
Bish, daum, I don't venture out of the real world.

Les, I think Winks has the premise that that woman knew he was a cheating fool prior to getting into the relationship with him. (like he was married when they met).

Winky, go boy!

TN, hey Mac-Daddy
ok...I can see that. If it's knowingly starts up with one, then she's a dumbfuck.
Leslie said:
of course not Winky, no umbrage at all.

It's obviously entirely my fault that my "devoted" husband rather than working or sleeping after the poor guy worked soooooooo hard to provide for his family as I believed, was instead out porking hookers/hot dog girls/random skanks.

My fault, obviously. How could I have been so dense in blaming him and his lack of character instead? :tardbang:
I suppose Winky was not referring to a situation like yours, he was rather refering to that of a woman that starts a relationship with someone she knows is an adulterer.

Edit: after reading a few posts more, this post became useless.
I would take it a step further and say that most if not all women not blinded by love have that intuition thing a goin' on (whereas most men are clueless myself included)
they can sense if a guy is a louse if their training in their youth has been effective and they have enough self-esteem.

Oh I guess I left one out. Never lie to your wife truth in a relationship is crucial.
I learned this early on. (He honey me and the boys are going to the titty bar, and I know I’ll be sleeping my stinky alcohol ass on the couch tonight Heh Heh)
Liberals don’t lie because they don’t know what the truth is!
Can’t fault them for that now can you!

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman!”

Many women will deny what they know to be true to save themselves pain and end up causing themselves even more pain.

Women and cats know ya can't fool them!!! Heh heh

Well I am socially ill fitted for anyplace other than the Real World so I guess I will have to return there LOL

Hullo TN

Are the Canucks ready for the hillbilly?
I should think not.
[off topic]I recognized a lot of the folks here from back in the day. Thought I'd stop by and say howdy. Lots of memories, ya know.[/off topic]
I have a good example of the contrast between Cons and Libbies. (well maybe not, but cute nonetheless)

My 5 y/o came in and said "dad come look, hurry!" I went in haste to see. the other children and my wife follow.

I find my seven year old sitting on the porch legs crossed, hands in her lap looking distraught at a dead mouse. She calmly said "we have to bury it".

I asked her "do know why this dead mouse was here?"

She said "no".

I explained to her that "it was a trophy the cat had brought to us so the family would be proud of her for killing it."

She again said "we need to bury it".

I laughed and told her "no it's just a mouse" wrapped it in a paper towel walked to the garbage container and tossed it in.

I came in to wash my hands and my 7-year old daughter was full of tears and her face was red pulled into unwavering frown. I told her "the mouse is dirty and that if we bury it the dog might dig it up and eat it and get sick, and beside its just a stupid mouse"

she broke out loudly stating "Its not a stupid mouse!" She was about to let loose on me I knew it!. "It was a trophy from my cat and we should keep it so her (the cat) feeling won't be hurt".

Even she know a dead mouse is a good mouse.

She wanted for me to stuff it (taxidermy) so she could keep it in a box
I'll jump in here with these thoughts...

1. What do you, yourself, consider Conservative, or Liberal?

2. How would you describe yourself, according to your own yardstick (meterstick to you metric folks)?

Once you answer those questions, you'll be able to place yourself in whichever camp you desire.

As a side-note, I used to be a liberal. I thought that, no matter what, the government should have a hand in peoples everyday lives "for the good of the country". I've since discovered that, whenever the government takes a hand in peoples everyday lives, those lives are diminished. The government should work for the people, yes, but should not interfere with the lives of those same people. Welfare, Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and Food Stamps are all nice ideas, but do they ultimately serve the public, or place the public under the whim of the government that is there to serve them? I consider myself Conservative because the government seems to be spending more, and more, time and my tax dollars on things that they shouldn't. I'm going to catch a lot of hell for this, but, so be it...

1. The government's job is not to feed you. If you have no food, get a job...any job...and educate yourself so that you can move up, instead of relying on my taxes to feed you.
2. The government's job is not to house you. That's your job. If you have no housing, get a job...any job...and educate yourself so that you can afford a better place, instead of relying on my taxes to house you.
3. The government's job is not to pay you...unless you actually work for the government. If you want a steady check, get a job...any job...instead of relying on the government to pay you for sitting around hopeless.
4. The govenment's job is not to clothe you...see all the above.

I've worked some pretty shitty jobs in my life (I didn't enlist until I was 26), and I've lived in some pretty shitty places. I never went on welfare...I never went on food stamps...and, thank God, I never got a major illness, but I also never expected the government to bail me out. I could've gotten into any of those programs, but, you know what? I had something called self-respect. I didn't get into those programs because I didn't need them. Most people who I've seen that are using those programs are the folks who need to get up off their butts, get off the drugs (including alcohol), and get a job. For those of you who say it isn't easy to do those things I say this...It's much easier to let somebody else take care of you than to take care of yourself, but that's not how life is supposed to be. Grow up, and get out into the world. Make a name for yourself, and not a fool of yourself. Sure...there are some who cannot, in any way, shape, or form, get up and work. That's what family is for. If they have no family, then, and only then should the government step in and do anything for them. I'll ask this many folks are we talking about at this point?
That deserves a standing ovation. So here is one

conservatism vs. liberalism isn't about policies in my mind... both sides cross there all the time... some are rich, some are poor, some believe socialist policies are bad, some do not... and many of both fall somewhere in the middle

it's more about mindset

conservatism is the "father know's best" syndrome... the idea that there are people who know how to run society, and who should be trusted to do so... this is why it tends to draw the religious-types and the strict constitutionalists... good, but firm and hard to change rules are the best way to run society in their minds... basically, come up with a plan and make it work

liberalism takes the approach that nothing is beyond question, and the best solutions come from constant discussion and constant change... if something doesn't work, try something else, etc... even if it may lead to temporary setbacks... in the end the good policies will succeed and survive
brownjenkins said:
conservatism vs. liberalism isn't about policies in my mind... both sides cross there all the time... some are rich, some are poor, some believe socialist policies are bad, some do not... and many of both fall somewhere in the middle

it's more about mindset

conservatism is the "father know's best" syndrome... the idea that there are people who know how to run society, and who should be trusted to do so... this is why it tends to draw the religious-types and the strict constitutionalists... good, but firm and hard to change rules are the best way to run society in their minds... basically, come up with a plan and make it work

liberalism takes the approach that nothing is beyond question, and the best solutions come from constant discussion and constant change... if something doesn't work, try something else, etc... even if it may lead to temporary setbacks... in the end the good policies will succeed and survive

Re-read my prior post. ;)
Cons know things are
black or white
right or wrong
good or evil

them Libs wanna believe in the gray

just an excuse to do more evils
Gato_Solo said:
Re-read my prior post. ;)

i did before i posted, and agree with most of it (though this part is just stereotypical and unsubstantiated "Most people who I've seen that are using those programs are the folks who need to get up off their butts, get off the drugs (including alcohol), and get a job.")

but the fact is the current admin is spending more than any previous one ever has on those very programs... and that's leaving out defense and homeland security... as well as boatloads of corporate welfare, which is no better

that's why i say that the "policy" aspect of the debate simply doesn't hold water anymore... the only way they truely differ is in terms of how they each consider issues, and what kind of morality they bring to the table

your post seems to reflect more of a conservative liberatarian pov than a conservative republican) one... which is maybe what you are :confused:
I don't know about anyone else, but my sense the last few years is that conservatives don't want to change anything that agrees with their world view while the liberals of today want to change everything that disagrees with their world view. Opposite sides of the same coin. They use similar methods and they both want you to believe that their way is the only possible way. I don't have much patience with either group.