I'll jump in here with these thoughts...
1. What do you, yourself, consider Conservative, or Liberal?
2. How would you describe yourself, according to your own yardstick (meterstick to you metric folks)?
Once you answer those questions, you'll be able to place yourself in whichever camp you desire.
As a side-note, I used to be a liberal. I thought that, no matter what, the government should have a hand in peoples everyday lives "for the good of the country". I've since discovered that, whenever the government takes a hand in peoples everyday lives, those lives are diminished. The government should work for the people, yes, but should not interfere with the lives of those same people. Welfare, Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and Food Stamps are all nice ideas, but do they ultimately serve the public, or place the public under the whim of the government that is there to serve them? I consider myself Conservative because the government seems to be spending more, and more, time and my tax dollars on things that they shouldn't. I'm going to catch a lot of hell for this, but, so be it...
1. The government's job is not to feed you. If you have no food, get a job...any job...and educate yourself so that you can move up, instead of relying on my taxes to feed you.
2. The government's job is not to house you. That's your job. If you have no housing, get a job...any job...and educate yourself so that you can afford a better place, instead of relying on my taxes to house you.
3. The government's job is not to pay you...unless you actually work for the government. If you want a steady check, get a job...any job...instead of relying on the government to pay you for sitting around hopeless.
4. The govenment's job is not to clothe you...see all the above.
I've worked some pretty shitty jobs in my life (I didn't enlist until I was 26), and I've lived in some pretty shitty places. I never went on welfare...I never went on food stamps...and, thank God, I never got a major illness, but I also never expected the government to bail me out. I could've gotten into any of those programs, but, you know what? I had something called self-respect. I didn't get into those programs because I didn't need them. Most people who I've seen that are using those programs are the folks who need to get up off their butts, get off the drugs (including alcohol), and get a job. For those of you who say it isn't easy to do those things I say this...It's much easier to let somebody else take care of you than to take care of yourself, but that's not how life is supposed to be. Grow up, and get out into the world. Make a name for yourself, and not a fool of yourself. Sure...there are some who cannot, in any way, shape, or form, get up and work. That's what family is for. If they have no family, then, and only then should the government step in and do anything for them. I'll ask this now...how many folks are we talking about at this point?