Democrats unite


molṑn labé
Staff member
Follow your leaders. They are setting the example. Anything for power. Win at all costs. Never EVER lose graciously.

PARIS (Reuters) - France risks violence and brutality if right-winger Nicolas Sarkozy wins Sunday's presidential election, his Socialist opponent Segolene Royal said on Friday.

On the last day of official campaigning, opinion polls showed Sarkozy enjoyed a commanding lead over Royal, who accused the former interior minister of lying and polarizing France.

"Choosing Nicolas Sarkozy would be a dangerous choice," Royal told RTL radio.

"It is my responsibility today to alert people to the risk of (his) candidature with regards to the violence and brutality that would be unleashed in the country (if he won)," she said.

The future of the Dems
In other words, they're just like the republicans. Glad you finally noticed, I've been trying to tell you for years.
In other words, they're just like the republicans. Glad you finally noticed, I've been trying to tell you for years.

Republicans threaten to start a riot if they don't win?
PARIS - Conservative Nicolas Sarkozy won the French presidency by a comfortable margin Sunday and immediately signalled his victory would mean friendly relations with the United States.

His socialist opponent, Segolene Royal, conceded defeat for her hopes of becoming France's first woman president. With nearly 70 percent of ballots counted, Sarkozy had just over 53 percent of the vote, according to the Interior Ministry.

Washington can "count on our friendship," Sarkozy told hundreds of cheering supporters, though he added that "friendship means accepting that friends can have different opinions."

Stupid Frenchies. Don't they know conservatives are evil vile twisted corporate whores who wish to destroy the planet & all that have less than them? Jeez. Morons.


although, I doubt conservative is exactly Reaganesque over there
nah. "conservatives" are people that worship the power they don't have, and are manipulated by those corporate types, who for the most part really couldn't give a fuck about most "conservative" causes.
The other candidate seemed like a real bitch to me... what was with that "if my opponent wins, there will be all sorts of violence in the country" bullshit?
minkey, how is lessening the governmental grip over all its citizens a worship of power? You, not alone, seem to confuse the conservative political ideology with an (R) tag. Not all dems are liberal (thought it is the vast majority) and few republicans are actually conservative.
minkey, how is lessening the governmental grip over all its citizens a worship of power? You, not alone, seem to confuse the conservative political ideology with an (R) tag. Not all dems are liberal (thought it is the vast majority) and few republicans are actually conservative.

Y'know, it's what they always say but it's never what really happens, is it? It's results that matter, not rhetoric.

There are always apologists to tell us what went wrong too, aren't there?
It did happen under Reagan. Fewer controls, less taxes. He was the exception, unfortunately.
Interesting man, Sakozy. From what I've read in the French press about him, he was anti-Iraq invasion, but pro-USA. His views on the seperation of church and state make for fun reads too... funding mosques and Muslim groups with taxpayer money is an unusual 'cure' for outside influence.
It did happen under Reagan. Fewer controls, less taxes. He was the exception, unfortunately.

:lol: The government grew under the Reagan administration. Please feel free to look it up. The direct result of tax cuts was a large increase in the national debt. This will sound quite familiar to anyone who's been paying attention.
minkey, how is lessening the governmental grip over all its citizens a worship of power? You, not alone, seem to confuse the conservative political ideology with an (R) tag. Not all dems are liberal (thought it is the vast majority) and few republicans are actually conservative.

when there is comparatively little about 'grip loosening' (which EVERYONE WANTs, so it not really a point of distinction) and four thousand pounds of 'democrats are like this' and 'liberals are like that,' accompanied by ultra macho foreign policy blather, i think what's going on is fairly obvious.
Leftists win & the headlines scream....ugh, well, actually, nothing. Because the right takes its lumps, cries & moves on.

Conservatives win & the left tears shit up. Wanna keep telling us about how the liberal politics is "for the people"?

Nicolas Sarkozy, the conservative who beat Socialist Segolene Royal in a runoff Sunday, is a divisive figure whose tough language and crackdowns on crime and immigration have angered many on the left - and in the immigrant-heavy suburban housing projects that erupted in riots in 2005.

Some 730 cars were burned nationwide Sunday night and 592 people arrested, police said.

Late Monday night, several hundred people massed again at the Place de la Bastille in Paris, breaking windows in nearby shops and starting street fires. Riot police dispersed them, and about 100 people were arrested, police said Tuesday. A handful of cars were ignited in the area.

In Nantes in western France, hundreds gathered again Monday night, with a few dozen hurling beer bottles and other projectiles at police cordons, police said. Police responded with tear gas and arrested several people. Public buildings were also damaged. Minor incidents were also reported in Toulouse in southern France.

Royal had warned of renewed violence in case of a Sarkozy victory, and had sought to make the campaign a referendum on Sarkozy's polarizing persona.

Even the report blames the winner for the socialist damage. :rolleyes:


Sarkozy has drawn up a whirlwind agenda for his first 100 days in office and plans to put big reforms before parliament at an extraordinary session in July. One would make overtime pay tax-free to encourage people to work more. Another would put in place tougher sentencing for repeat offenders, and a third would toughen the criteria for immigrants trying to bring their families to France.

What an animal.
Leftists win & the headlines scream....ugh, well, actually, nothing. Because the right takes its lumps, cries & moves on.

Conservatives win & the left tears shit up. Wanna keep telling us about how the liberal politics is "for the people"?

who are you asking?

"liberal" and "leftist" hmmm those are a little different. like "republican" and "nazi."

you're right. the "right" is much more for the people. it's always had a wonderful volkishness at some level. yah?
who are you asking?

"liberal" and "leftist" hmmm those are a little different. like "republican" and "nazi."

you're right. the "right" is much more for the people. it's always had a wonderful volkishness at some level. yah?

Yep. Maybe somebody should have rioted after the election these conservative rightists were in.

"liberal" and "leftist" hmmm those are a little different. like "republican" and "nazi."

Not so much anymore kemo sabe.

Read the Communist Manifesto & then look at the past 30 years history of the Democrat Party. They are closing the gap, rapidly.

In all honesty, most of todays conservatives would qualify for a right leaning 1940s democrat though.
Mein Kampf sound quite leftist too.

If the government is taking care of it's children who find themselves unable to care for themselves, it's leftist.