Devaluation of the American Dollar.

gee gothie, i'm just wondering why you would use the word "parapraxis" rather than the much more common "freudian slip." there are some instances where using fancy words is fine, such as when there's no common alternative and you can't really think of another way to say something... happens to me sometimes. but here... wanky wanky, spanky.

first of all, that audio sync is waaaaay off on that video and it's unclear if she actually said the words we heard, but, that said, i don't care what she thinks. she's one loon. the republican governor of arizona is a seething moron. so is michelle bachman. and then there's queenie nut cynthia mckinney. so what?
Goth - she's obviously trying to shock the oil magnates...but backed up a wee bit too late. She wanted to use the word 'socializing' and did, then realized that it's one of those words that shocks the populace and produces knee-jerk reactions. It cut off the bit before, eh. They want to drill more. She wants to know what proof they have that drilling more will actually lower the costs at the gas station (In other words, will the surplu oil translate into cost savings for the people or will it simply line the pockets of the Oil magnates).

He danced around the question and then she tried to shock him a bit. Don't know if it worked or not..that's cut off too as is her re-iteration.
You've consistently said that & you've never bothered to prove me wrong so, I must know. You just don't like the message.
i've made several statements acknowledging that obama is too far to the left for my taste, but that he is not, properly, a socialist. there's no need to prove you wrong. you are wrong, and it's obvious. your understanding of the political spectrum is limited to black and white.
Devaluation of the American life

Not a socialist? OK then how would
you characterize his political ideology?

compared to the rest of the world, he's a centrist. in the US spectrum, i dunno, i guess i'd call him "very liberal"

"In the United States, the term progressivism emerged in the late 19th century into the 20th century in reference to a more general response to the vast changes brought by industrialization: an alternative to both the traditional conservative response to social and economic issues and to the various more radical streams of socialism and anarchism which opposed them."

okay, progressive sounds fine, too.
Progressivism is an American synonym for socialism. Nobody in American, in 1904 or 1917 or 1934 or 1951 or 2001 wouls accept socialist. Look into Teddy Roosevelt. Then move on to Wilson. Different parties, same agenda. 20 years different. Once Americans caught on, these weasels started using "liberal".

Using government power or threat & passage of regualtion to change the social & economic nature of our country by interfering with private proeprty rights (business or personal) is socialism. Incremental steps. Control the language & the education, control the future.

Socialism is the utilitarian stepping stone between free market & Marxism. Obama, in less than 18 months, has taken over two car companies, several banks & insurance industries & has removed the private sector from student loans.

He is a Marxist. His friends & associates are Marxists. He's made fundamental changes that are very anti-American. The people see it & are working to remove him. Just because you don't like the word I use does not make it incorrect.
that's great gonz. but it doesn't really advance your argument.

and gothie, the devil is a figment. but thanks for the laugh.