Did somebody see the mc naught comet?


Well-Known Member
It was supposed to be visible by bare eye here. But the sky is flooded with clouds :(
It's one of the things I would like to see before I die
This is one picture taken on Norway:
i haven't seen it in person but it keeps being on the astronomy-picture-of-the-day. it's in the east, right? all my easts have trees blocking them. i wish it was in the west. i have good west views. i see the most amazing sunsets.
And I feel silly because reading more about it (APOD picture was again the comet today), it seems it is in the west. But I'm afraid I've missed it at this point, it's starting to be visible in the southern hemisphere. Haha, depending on when I get off work, I might head to the target parking lot (prime viewing spot of sunsets, may be a good place to see the comet), around sundown and see what I can see.

I wanna see it!

Rememer that one in 96 or so? Was that hale-bopp? I forget. It was cool, though. We went out back and looked at it from our backyard.
My mother said she saw a big comet in the sky once. It was soon after she married (Dec-6-1969), so my research makes me believe it was the White-Ortiz-Bolelli in 1970:

I hope I see something like that in life :(