Did you ever have one?


New Member
Teacher crush I mean. I do! :lol2: First it was my 8th grade US History teacher, and now it's my AP US History teacher. Maybe it's because I'm a Civil War dork, or maybe the guys who teach/taught it to me are just oh-so-attractive in their own little ways. But I thought by 16 one would grow out of them. Not me!

Anywho, he's also got a wife with a kid due next month. Heh. I'm such a dork. So, anyone else need to fess up to it? Huh? Huh?

That's him from a few years ago. He wears glasses.
Well I'm quite sure I have an idea, maybe a little more than that, but beyond a tad bit of comprehension, I'm lost. Mayhaps as the years pass I will fully understand the random complexity of my thoughts.
i just meant that you are going to have crushes all your life, whether it be the cable guy(sigh), the extremely muscular recent high school graduate that bags your groceries, a TV character, or even your friends. you can't stop it, it's human nature so you might as well enjoy them :D
11th grade English ... Mrs Condon. She was supposedly a former Mrs. America pagent rep from Rhode Island back in the mid 70s. She was drop dead gorgeous.
bosses wife, I was 15 at the time, she was 43, and she was a flirt, which didn't help the situation much.

ahh, crushes, they suck.
paul_valaru said:
ahh, crushes, they suck.
i completely disagree...just simple fun and anyway, if escalates it's no longer a crush. human beings are hard wired for the continuation of the species and crushes are a normal part of sexuality.
I agree, crushes are lots of fun lol! He gives me a reason to go to school *emotional soap opera sigh* Plus he did give me an A for the quarter, bumped me up from a 98.4%. And because he did that I got straight A's. So I do believe he's worthy of my googly eyed stares during class ha! No, I don't really give him googly eyed stares. But we do have awesome discussions about the Civil War after school. What's aweome is he's for the south, like me :winkkiss:
if it's jsut innocnet fun, then it's good, it starts to suck when the person you have a crush on starts flirting with you and playing with your emotions, and then you do something silly
Very true, that's happened to me before. The bastard tried to make me jump through hoops to get him to like me. Well, I caught on to that quick enough and forgot him.

However, I don't think a crush that involves someone of higher authority than you will cause any problems. If it does, well then it better stay a secret. :eek8:

Or you could just keep the crush a secret altogether, but what fun is it if your friends can't tease you about it?
paul_valaru said:
if it's jsut innocnet fun, then it's good, it starts to suck when the person you have a crush on starts flirting with you and playing with your emotions, and then you do something silly
silly is as silly does.
FluerVanderloo said:
Or you could just keep the crush a secret altogether, but what fun is it if your friends can't tease you about it?
good lord! keep them to yourself!
*wipes a tear*

I was 16 when I started visiting the boards...in 15 days I will be 20...:eek:
I had innocent crushes on two teachers a few years ago when I went to computer school. One of them wound up as a friend outside school and I still email every once in a blue moon. The other I didn't see after I graduated.

I've learned that you can have innocent crushes on people even if you're involved in a relationship. But what you consider a crush is what's important I guess. I just look at it as a unique fondness for someone else who you pay special attention to, or who makes you feel special. I have had that with a few male friends of mine and a couple of male coworkers. I'm also a flirt at times so put those two together and I guess I'm a "crusher". ;)

I'm convinced, at least with me, it had everything to do with an authority figure that intrigued me. I've always been drawn to intelligent, confident people and that's what all my crushes had in common except for one.
no but I have teachers I keep in touch wiht and one was kind of a mother figure so i loved her that way
FluerVanderloo said:
Teacher crush I mean. I do!

Most of my teachers were aestehtic abominations but great teachers and that is what mattered the most. Looks aren't expected nor needed in teaching...a beautiful mind is required.
Oh and beautiful mind he does have. Well, in my opinion anyway. He is somewhat of a big dork at times (he relates EVERYTHING to something that happened in history, right down to someone sneezing in class during a test) but he has an amazing sense of humor and is just so intellegent about many topics. Then of course we do share the Civil War interest. He's just so passionate about his job and dosen't mind that I annoy the crap out of him.

He actually helped me during the fall play. We got a new director this year, the last one retired. Well this new one is terrible. The entire cast was unhappy, and there were just too many problems with this show. So I came to him for advice and he helped me create a case to present to the principal and gave me pointers for our meeting. He even offered to come in the meeting with me. However I declined and told him he had helped enough, and said that I wouldn't mention his name unless he wanted me to, and I didn't. I think we just respect each other as student and teacher, and that strengthens the feelings I have a guess, from awesome teacher to crush victim.