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Mother's Day on Sunday? Wouldn't want anybody to get in trouble, after all. :nerd:

My boys won't be here on Sunday, so we're doing it today after school. :blank:. Bright side is, I actually get to sleep in on Mother's Day, as opposed to waking up to construction paper and cereal and 3 kids in my face at 6am.

My momma's getting flowers delivered as I'm so far away, and a Hallmark e-greeting card, cause she likes those.
Diane went out and bought all the requsite cards/gifts for both of us. i'll be stopping by mom's on sunday.
My wife is taking her mother out to a VERY nice restaurant - on me. About the best I can do for mine is to call her - I'll be hip deep in mud, building a fuckin' kid's fort.
HomeLAN said:
My wife is taking her mother out to a VERY nice restaurant - on me. About the best I can do for mine is to call her - I'll be hip deep in mud, building a fuckin' kid's fort.

No. you'll be hip deep in mud, building a kid's fucking fort.
Lunch at my mom's for my side and then off to the bf's mom's for dinner with his side. Too many women to buy for, so it's the mom's and grandma only. the rest get dollar store cards.
I'll see Mom tomorrow, and give her a nice card, We gave her a gift early as we have limited storage and didn't want to misplace/damage it. She liked it mucho.

I'll throw something together for AE, around the softball games, requisite running, etc. Peace and quiet might be what she values most right now.

The monster in law...that's AE's department. I condone whatever she wants to do.
SouthernN'Proud said:
The monster in law...that's AE's department. I condone whatever she wants to do.

If I said something like that ... you wouldn't know about it until you read the obituary.
Professur said:
No. you'll be hip deep in mud, building a kid's fucking fort.

No matter where it falls in the sentence, the kid had better not do any fucking in the fort for a good 15 years, right, HL?
He'd better not get caught in any case - and it's gonna be tough to get around me in my own damn yard.
HomeLAN said:
He'd better not get caught in any case - and it's gonna be tough to get around me in my own damn yard.

Yeah. Right. :rolleyes:

dude, you got around your parents. I got around mine. He's gonna get around you .... and you'll never even suspect him.
Not on their property, though. I did my shit outside of their effective range.

It's a matter of repsect, if nothing else.
Geez, I was everywhere. my room, her room, the basement, the car, the garage, the roof (once), the park, the school AV room, that dark corner around behind the church behind the school .... . It wasn't a matter of respect. It was "getting some". Getting caught was a seriously secondary concern.
Yep, me and the BF used to go at it like rabbits all over the 'rents house. God knows, one time they came home and caught us at it in the shower. That was awkward.
I didn't forget, me and my brother are all set (well I'll pick up the blueberry bush tomorrow but the rest was taken care of today).