Directed-energy weapons

interesting...i'm just wondering what kind of effects it might have on the human body. then again, i don't think soldiers would care a lot about that, during war...
"Military officials believe the intended uses of the Active Denial System do not violate any international laws or treaties and do not cause any permanent health problems."

That remains to be seen. Lead was just fine in use for piping in homes until it was discovered that it caused health problems. Ditto asbestos etc...

"It's not intended to be used as a torture device. That goes against all the design intentions and parameters."

Design intentions and parameters live up until the product is delivered to the end that point, the users intentions and parameters take over.

"Later on, as certain agencies or law enforcement gets involved in this, and they see the need for lethality, I'm sure that can be developed later," Schlesinger said. "It could induce cardiac arrest, for example. But that is not our patent, and not our intent." I guess that he's not blind to these weapons uses, eh? Or is he just asking for GVT bids :D

Non-lethal weapons are a great idea...especially for crowd control, but can anyone seriously see a microwave gun which sets your dermal water to boiling causing great pain being used by the police in riot situations? Hell... the cops can't even use pepper spray and tear gas without getting in trouble. Can you imagine the lawsuits?

A decent knockout gas would work better on crowds. The use of these weapons against bombs, missiles, landmines and vehicles... now that's worth developing. Electromagnetic pulses :)
MrBishop said:
A decent knockout gas would work better on crowds. The use of these weapons against bombs, missiles, landmines and vehicles... now that's worth developing. Electromagnetic pulses :)

Actually, the best way to disperse a crowd is by firing a fully-automatic weapon into it. Why do you think military formations are spread out? ;)

As for the anti-weapon EMP, how do you specifically target a weapon? It's not as easy as you think...
Gato_Solo said:
Actually, the best way to disperse a crowd is by firing a fully-automatic weapon into it. Why do you think military formations are spread out? ;)

As for the anti-weapon EMP, how do you specifically target a weapon? It's not as easy as you think...

I read something about using it to clear minefields. A static weapon to be sure, but still. Also..tanks :)

Might be interesting to use them against can't really dodge something going at or near the speed of light. :)
So, what's happening with our technology here, and is it being
used Anywhere, or was/is it just another money pit?

How many lives are being sacrificed, to protect technology?:confused:
Some is in limited use already. I saw something about it awhile back.
No permanent health problems? ... like death perhaps? Geez... is it war or isnt it? The 90% of the world that doesn't play by the Marquis of Queensbury rules is laughing at us. If you really and truly want to win a war you have to take a vile Machiavellian tact.
No permanent health problems? ... like death perhaps? Geez... is it war or isnt it? The 90% of the world that doesn't play by the Marquis of Queensbury rules is laughing at us. If you really and truly want to win a war you have to take a vile Machiavellian tact.

exactly :beardbng:

What really get to me are the number people that simply will not accept that.