DirecTV and TiVO rock.

Inkara1 said:
And an IC is something you can buy at RadioShack. :D
unclehobart said:
I'm working on a punchcard system.

Anyone know where I can get my hands on about 50.000.000 of em?
Um, I work for the State of Mo. I'll see if we have enough left over after we do our weekly backup.
The ICs we sold at RadioShack looked more like this:


They're either directly soldered onto a printed circuit board or they have a socket they sit in, and the socket is soldered to the PCB.
Inkara1 said:
The ICs we sold at RadioShack looked more like this:


They're either directly soldered onto a printed circuit board or they have a socket they sit in, and the socket is soldered to the PCB.

That image in my post is from RS ,achieved by searching for IC

Dual General-Purpose IC PC Board
But I guess thats technically an IC board which the ICs are inserted into.:shrug: