Dirt Cheap or Free

um...my whole computer set up was free(old e machine). my second keyboard was free (thanks steve). i did spend $89 on a new harddrive last year.
Ater my recent go-around with Kingston, on some Rambus mem, I'd be
very hard pressed to deal with them again.
Maybe it was just in the rambus type mem area :confused: as I've had
good luck with all the sdram stuff, and a few ddr modules.

but if you have to get anything fix/replaced, good luck.


Hopefully the link to their site won't lead them back here,as it could get messy. :vader:
A.B.Normal said:
You could also use the same .gif as me for your AV over there.
:lol: I like it!!!

I don't see posting there anymore, I think I'll just lurk and use 'em for cheap stuff lol. :lloyd:
haven't gone over there in awhile, wow did that place ever get prettied up.
Heck, I remember the time when I had to modify your av because the eyeballs would show up in Netscape but not IE. Of course, this was back when Netscape 4.7 was in use, and sites would actually render in it, and avatars were smaller.