Disagree with Obama, get branded a racist

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Actually though, I misspoke. 99.9% of the vitriol...

Since I've yet to meet anyone, and I do mean anyone, who has indicated this guys color as a problem, even in a bad racial joke sort of way, but have met many who have had ideological gulf's between his policies & theirs, what makes you think that it's race based?
It's hard to tell how much of it is racism. Also hard to tell exactly with the death panel, killing grandma, eugenics, muslim, terrorist, antichrist people.

Are they just insane? Incredibly gullible? How do they and up saying such hysterical crazy drama crap?

I mean I just saw a poll showing that a fair percentage of Jersey conservatives actually really think Obama is the antichrist.

What's with all the crazy?

It's new jersey, what do you expect? My town is about to have a mayoral election. There are four candidates. All are Democrats. All of them probably get bribed by the same people.

Besides, you ever heard of a joke? I doubt that almost a fifth of this state's conservatives seriously believe that.
I'm in lock-step with the Constitution. No updates needed.

:rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4:

There he goes he must be the funniest bastard since 2minkey....Speaking of 2minkey where is he?

OMG I asked him to tell another one and he topped himself!

Lock step with the Constitution did you hear him?!?

Possibly lock step with his narrow minded interpretation, but clearly still living in the 18th century fantasy!

Oh god yer teh funneh!

:rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4:

You may certainly disagree strongly with someone without being hateful or resorting to what are clearly lies. If you start with the lies and the hatred, clearly you have a larger problem than disagreement over politics and policy.

Good point.
Since I've yet to meet anyone, and I do mean anyone, who has indicated this guys color as a problem, even in a bad racial joke sort of way

People hide that stuff a lot unless their posting on Stormfront.
Besides, you ever heard of a joke? I doubt that almost a fifth of this state's conservatives seriously believe that.

There's really nothing indicating it's a joke. Some people may not have been serious but many of them are. There have been plenty of people carrying signs with that same message.

Beck actually had people on his show saying the healthcare bill was going to let them start religious persecution of christians and Obama was warring against christianity.

WTF is the GOP becoming when people this nuts are getting airtime? Why so much drama, hysteria, and fear instead of rational discussion?

Examine some race baiting here for a minute.
There's really nothing indicating it's a joke. Some people may not have been serious but many of them are. There have been plenty of people carrying signs with that same message.

Beck actually had people on his show saying the healthcare bill was going to let them start religious persecution of christians and Obama was warring against christianity.

WTF is the GOP becoming when people this nuts are getting airtime? Why so much drama, hysteria, and fear instead of rational discussion?

Examine some race baiting here for a minute.

Well, Beck is an idiot. What do you expect?
Here's an interesting question..or rather, one that interests me. Beck says that Obama is racist against white people or has an anti-white person agenda. What the hell does he mean by that exactly? Which of Obama's policies are anti-white?
Beck brought it a while back. How'd you miss that?

Being the Obama was suppose to transcend racism, its impressive that one guy could bring back racism all by himself. He must be a pretty powerful guy, more powerful than a U.S. President..
Since I've yet to meet anyone, and I do mean anyone, who has indicated this guys color as a problem, even in a bad racial joke sort of way, but have met many who have had ideological gulf's between his policies & theirs, what makes you think that it's race based?

When I was six years old I believed everything everyone told me. Interestingly, I don't anymore.

I believe it's raced based because it is. What are you, the queen of denial? There are certainly people who disagree on an ideological basis, but there is a small core of people (birthers, people who have called him a muslim or a nazi) for whom the issue is obviously personal, not ideological. Because these morons have the attention of the media, a much larger group which you include yourself among choose to align themselves with them. And then there's the schoolchildren bit. No intelligent person in the public eye would address tany group of children in a public forum to push an ideology. Hell, even a stupid person would have enough people around him who weren't idiots to talk him out of it. So what then, was the objection with having the duly elected President of these United States address our children? Pretty obvious to me as it should have been to you. Not only was that 100% about race but it taught a lot of children that being racist is perfectly okay so long as you lie about it. If Obama had been white and twice as liberal as you think he is, that shit still would never have happened. What a proud moment for Conservative America. :grinno: All it really showed was how little we've really learned and how petty and vindictive the people you choose to align yourself with really are. Honestly Gonz, I don't think you're a racist but you choose to align yourself with these people, some of whom clearly are, and to me that makes you even worse.
Oh wait I forgot it is admirable to parrot conservative talking points, yet call others sheep, because cons are always thinkers and innovators even from the couch! Plus once in a while I am known to admit I am wrong, but your convictions are such that you would never do so even when it is the case. If you just repeat a lie long enough it becomes true!

Admitting wrongs is always a sign of weakness. When one is wrong and has failed policies one must exert more effort and never back down, no matter the consequences!
I believe it's raced based because it is.

Because these morons have the attention of the media, a much larger group which you include yourself among choose to align themselves with them.

Not only was that 100% about race but it taught a lot of children that being racist is perfectly okay so long as you lie about it. If Obama had been white and twice as liberal as you think he is, that shit still would never have happened. What a proud moment for Conservative America. :grinno: All it really showed was how little we've really learned and how petty and vindictive the people you choose to align yourself with really are. Honestly Gonz, I don't think you're a racist but you choose to align yourself with these people, some of whom clearly are, and to me that makes you even worse.

And its attitudes like this^ that PROMOTES and CREATE racism in hearts that have grown beyond it. You unduly push the label on someone or a society and it creates deep resentments, the building blocks of racism.

I was raised by a "colored" woman, she was the one who cared for me when I cried, she fed me and she got me to school. I slept in the same bed with her son for years and we shared a room for 1/5th of my life. Hell we've even been cell mates together.

I am fully aware racism exist. I've been beat-up a number of times by both races because of it. For a pasty-cracker, I got a fairly good sense of the changes societal attitude over the last 45 years.

In the 70's many "ol' timey colo'r folk" still "knew their place" and it was tough, there was still a lot of fear. In the late 80's a large attitude shift happened and that was the beginning of when it became "cool to be black", the dawn the "wigger". Rap made its break and MTV played a big role in that societal change thats now seamless for most.

Racism is something that occurs in degrees within the individual. Be it black-white-yellow-red there are people who are lightly racist say 10% (for the sake of example) This is a the "acclimated" individual, the person who doesn't outwardly have a problem with racism. These are the folk who share neighborhoods, work together, and let their kids sleep at other kids* homes. (*raceless specifier).

On the other end of the spectrum you have your black-white-yellow-red 90% racist, this person is called the "militant".. These folks are the ones who who would rather die than receive blood from another race. They are the ones who CREATE and PROMOTE hatred and racism.

Plain and simple, you will never ever completely get rid of racism unless there is some grand eugenics campaign. The KKK, white supremest*, black panther etc. fall into the later category, they are militants. ALL of these types promote the hate in their plight to raise their own ideals, it is their existence and purpose in life. This where the race wars are fueled and kept healthy.

Example: Robert Byrd former Klansmen -- he was once a militant, is he today? -- dunno, but I bet he is still racist just to a lesser degree. He has further to slide to find an acceptable level of racism than most. As time goes on his internal level of racism lowers as finds its safe to not be racist. IF suddenly some militant black group attacked him and began making a stink about him being a racist, his internal level of racism would rise. (that is how people work in general terms)

You see racism is dynamic, it is in flux. Since ol' Joe yelled "you lie" society has been carpet bombed with accusations of racism....... In the last ~week society's level of racism has been increased exponentially on all sides. (Thank you leftist commie bastards).

So if you want to join the frey of those who are throwing out the racism card as a general cover all, you''re a fuck-wit. You are feeding it, making it healthy. You are spitting in the face of tens millions who have worked to overcome a dark issue. Reducing the general attitude of racism is not something a few individual achieved, it took a nation and cost lives on all sides. For gods-sake we have black guy in the white house, how far have we come?

Go ahead, feed racism if you like that is your choice. I for one will not feed it, nor will I flinch in the face of it.

* - White supremest who hate black people and that don't hate white people

giggles knowing that spike still doesn't know if I'm a racist or not!
Gonz was talking about using the tag, not sure how you missed that.

I know that, I was just enjoying your seething hatred of Glenn Beck.


lol -- white guy!!!!
To add another note to my post above......

Its takes both effort and sacrifice to over come racism. Its easy to piss on those efforts, quit it.
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