alladin he hasnt so much tried to cause trouble but as was said its difficult when he is very young and we need to explain things to him thats where it becomes uncomfy. personally i dont care either way he seems like a good guy and not trying to cause shit. but look at Jerreks thread about guys going down. that has one where it is uncomfy to talk like that. all of us know who we are and if you know anyone on here personally you know whether or not the IP is real. take all with a grain of salt. i do unless im taking about me. then i know myself well enough. but we dont knwo altron. but he says hes 13 ill take it as that. others arent being so lenient. talk to them to get a better side to what im saying.
ok guys Altron is really only altron. He did come over here from another site that kruz is a mod for.
And it appears he knows more about computers than ehem "adult" toys or experiences. so give him a little slack if you post something and he ask what it is we've all been there and asked someone. (just in most of our time it was in person and not over the internet)
If you say so Sammy, that's cool. I did go looking around on that other website today to check it out, possibly become a member. And found a thread started by Altron saying he's in Westchester NY, not Cherry Hill, NJ. So the jury's still out with me on whether he is who he says he is. I really don't want to start any more crap about this but if he is 13, then the question that some people posed on whether threads about sex, drugs and rock n' roll () are appropriate or not is still open.
I am really undecided on that... Obviously, what we say here is going to have an affect on someone that young (sorry Alt but you're our youngest member so far) and it worries me that there are threads out there making drugs look cool. Some of you may think it's a great thing to experiment but if it was your 13 year old son, I think you might react differently.
We can't be his parents. I'm just saying I feel a little uncomfortable with it. I have no suggestions or anything, I don't even know where I stand myself. I'M JUST SO CONFUSED
The simple answer to his questions about adult stuff is either "Go ask your mom/dad" or "You'll find out when you get older".
I don't know about you, but the AUP is sufficiently restrictive to control children's exposure to non-scarring levels. I'm not about to reread every post I make to ensure that I don't include anything that the 'children' wouldn't understand. I spend all day doing that as is. If they read something they don't understand, they can bloody well look it up themselves. Or ignore it.
Personally, I feel somewhat akward about the thread "Two Girls Kissing" now. I mean, I wouldn't want my son to be exposed to that. But, then again, I would never let my kids on the computer without my supervision, that's why I keep it in the living room.
I don't want to have to censor myself, but I can't help but feeling like I will, to some extent, now.
I agree with Prof. I won't do that. I'm not his daddy, nor his mommy, nor his damned dutch uncle. If his parents can't keep him away from shit he shouldn't be seeing, it's not my problem. I've got enough of my own.
I think that I've actually been the most cooperative with the lad. I recall answering at least half of his questions. I don't mind the questions ... I just don't like 8 rapid posts in a string that really should have been compressed into 2.