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Thulsa Doom said:You dont really sound like a true creationist actually. you sound more like a christian who has no issue with evolution but doesnt know how the whole thing started. nothing wrong with that point of view at all. many creationists, on the other hand, reject evolution out of hand for fear it goes against what the bible says. when, in fact, it seems to me a smart god would create natural processies to bring "his creation" to fruition.
1. Evolution is a theory. That means that someone has to have a true elief in their facts to change it from a hypothesis to a theory. Note that word belief.
2. Creation is a belief. If you don't believe, then what's the point in arguing over it?
3. Theories are changed all the time, including the theory of evolution, so your belief in the 'facts' of evolution are no more reliable than my belief in Creation.