First off remember that evolution is NOT supported as the reason for the GENISIS of life (if I may use that term here) but instead as the MECHANISM by which life ADAPTS to its environment. Nothing more.
I have stated as much many times. And yes, I am curious how those who disbelieve creation explain the genesis of life.
Christians often treat evolution as a kind of religion equal and opposite to their own. And in this way they see it as a direct threat. But its not.
We finally agree. Evolution is NOT equal to Christianity in any way shape form or fashion.
Scientists see it as what it is: simply a tool to explain what we witness in the data presented to us. Never think its anything other then that.
Never have, never will.
By “first being” are you referring to man? Or to the first verifiable form of life on earth (at least on earth)? And if the latter what would you consider such? Do you consider a virus life? Its simply a protein sheath with some RNA inside. Do you consider things like prions to be alive? These are the nasties that cause such things as mad cow disease and such. And yet they have no brain, no spine, no discernable structure, no molecular structure and not even any nucleic acid! (no Clinton jokes right wingers! ) They are about as lifeless as you can get. But they exist. And many people believe they are responsible for mad cow disease. But ALL THEY ARE are misshapen proteins. And if they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time they can cause shit to happen like making normal proteins suddenly fold funny which reeks havoc in our cells and this ends up causing symptoms that look an awful lot like… well life!
I am well aware of the existence of microscopic life forms such as virii. I ask about mankind. Man. Homo sapiens. Not apes, not any of the crap "scientists" bent on disproving the Bible want to pass off as "precursors of man". I am referring to upright walking, biped, thinking, distinguishable homo sapien life. As we all know, the book of Genesis details the creation of animals (birds, fish, beasts of the fields) and then the creation of man. I wanna know what those who disbelieve this notion have to say about where we as a species came from, separate from all that bullshit about being an offshoot of apes. You (or anybody else) wanna consider yourself an evolved ape, be my guest. I ain't buying it, no sir not for a second.
Billions of years ago you had molecules floating around the oceans. This is a given
No it isn't. I do not believe the earth is billions of years old. The Bible does not support that theory, neither do I. Just because a "scientist" who has an agenda of his/her own to propogate and the incentive of federal funding to do so says it does not make it fact.
I'll even go you one better. This oughta really get the witch hunt off to a rip roaring start. I do not believe dinosaurs ever existed. Anyone can glue bones together. Most anyone can fabricate bones to fit their needs. I see no evidence in the Bible that dinosaurs and all that ever existed. Or at the least, if they did it was not as is popularly portrayed. If these beings ever were real, I ain't buying the whole caveman malarky. I accept that in Biblical times, men may have dwelt in caves. That caves were more commonly used as the technology for man to build actual domiciles had not been developed widely. But that whole scene of cavemen dragging women around by the hair, beating stuff with clubs while muttering "Og", and cowering in terror while pterydactyls (sp?) flew overhead is pure myth. Some of y'all wanna gloat about a two thousand year old fable? Well, there's your fable right there.
Hack away.
So whats to stop some of these molecules from interacting with each other in such a way so that they become what we would call self replicating. Once self-replicating molecules had been formed by chance, something like Darwinian natural selection could have begun
Could have might have something like who's to say it didn't. Sounds real scientific there. I'm supposed to base my existence on could have and might haves? No thanks; I'll stick with the Bible if it's all the same.
In the end you find that there is really no clear and clean discernable boundary between “life” and “non-life”. And THAT is where it becomes possible to see how “life” can evolve from inanimate matter.
Life is life; non-life is dead. Is that enough of a clear and discernable boundary for ya? And if THAT is what it takes to have this pile of bullshit become credible, then I'd say you guys are seriously screwed up in the head if your entire theory hinges on there being no difference between alive and non-alive.
My God, what a bunch of idiotic rambling.
Some even posit that life is really kind of an illusion. And that there is no real difference between you or I and the ground we walk on. We are all composed of the same stuff (supernova dust but nevermind that for now…). Now in our case we just happen to be elements in a complex chemical reaction that, because of our brevity of duration we perceive as separate and unique. But really we are but a brief flame rising over one gigantic fire.
Really? Then they shouldn't mind one bit if I walk up and blow their stupid heads off their shoulders, shoud they? After all, they'll still be the same dust and micro-substance, just rearranged a little. And of course, they'll also be part of that "non-life" we discussed above. Wonder why they struggle so to hang on to their life if it really doesn't matter?
but what did he create? Did he create all the parts from whole cloth or did he create the rules and the tools and the ingredients and let the rules do the rest?
He created the heavens and the earth by His will. He created the seas, the dry land, light from the Genesis, it's all there. Yes, He did this by His will. He designed the earth with nature and all of nature's rules, including your precious evolution of species to adapt to environmental changes. As I said earlier.
Final conclusion:
Pure, unadulterated, absolute and complete
It would be laughable, except that people have an immortal soul in jeopardy here. And some day, every person will be held accountable for their life on earth. I really don't like to think about what people who spend their lives subscribing to this nonsense will face then.
But, we have free will, so y'all do as you please. If you really want to believe you came from microscopic pond scum, electrically charged and really no different than a dung heap when it comes right down to it, have at it. Meanwhile, I will continue my beliefs in a loving God who created us in His image, who loves us and cares for us, who asks only that we believe in Him and follow His will for our lives. If I'm wrong, I guess I'll die and return to earth and become nothing more than dirt again.
But if I'm the one who's right...