do I LOOK like a DYKE???

Lesbian 101:

Butches and Femmes.

Butch characteristics: masculine in appearance, short hair, sometimes facial hair (ick), 'mens' clothes. Interests often include sports, tools, action movies and beer.

Femme characteristics: feminine in appearance, often long hair, often 'sylish'. Interests often include moving furniture around, hair products, romantic movies and wine. In other words, by most superficial standards (appearance, interests, etc) a lesbian femme is indistinguishable from your average straight woman.

A very common type of lesbian relationship couples a 'Butch' with a 'Femme'

So, if a butch lesbian hit on you it does not mean she thinks you look like a dyke. She may just find you to be an attractive woman with the same qualities a straight man is looking for.

So rather than being depressed you should be flattered and consider yourself officially welcomed to the 21st century.
Lesbian 101 huh?

That's the biggest load of sterotypical bs

I know some "Butch" lesbians that wouldn't touch a beer or watch a sports game. And I know straight women who need to shave their chin ever once and a while.

I also know some "Femme" lesbians that could kick your ass and not smudge their makeup.

Hey Nalani, could you bitchslap him for me please? D

Lesbian 101 huh?

That's the biggest load of sterotypical :bs:

I know some "Butch" lesbians that wouldn't touch a beer or watch a sports game.

I admit I was generalizing. But note that I said their 'interests often include' sports and beer. I didn't say all butch dykes are interested in those things. The same generalization, btw, could be made about (straight) men -- that they like sports and beer. But would it require the caveat that some men don't like those things? Or that some straight women, and femme lesbians, do too? Or that some gay men do too? Or that some like beer but not sports -- while others like sports but not beer? It would be a very long and boring post.

And I know straight women who need to shave their chin ever once and a while.

That's so missing the point. The difference between some butch lesbians and other women is that those butch lesbians choose not to

I also know some "Femme" lesbians that could kick your ass and not smudge their makeup.

Did I say they were weak? Did I infer it? No. You're refuting a statement I never made.

However, thanks for inadvertently making my point. A femme lesbian might wear makeup. A butch almost certainly would not.

Hey Nalani, could you bitchslap him for me please? :D

Don't you think it would be a little hypocritical for her to bitchslap me for 'stereotypical bs' in a thread she started containing the oldest, most blatantly untrue, stereotypical myth that all lesbians are butch dykes?[/b]
Lesbian 101 huh?

That's the biggest load of sterotypical :bs:

I know some "Butch" lesbians that wouldn't touch a beer or watch a sports game.

I admit I was generalizing. But note that I said their 'interests often include' sports and beer. I didn't say all butch dykes are interested in those things. The same generalization, btw, could be made about (straight) men -- that they like sports and beer. But would it require the caveat that some men don't like those things? Or that some straight women, and femme lesbians, do too? Or that some gay men do too? Or that some like beer but not sports -- while others like sports but not beer? It would be a very long and boring post.

And I know straight women who need to shave their chin ever once and a while.

That's so missing the point. The difference between some butch lesbians and other women is that those butch lesbians choose not to

I also know some "Femme" lesbians that could kick your ass and not smudge their makeup.

Did I say they were weak? Did I infer it? No. You're refuting a statement I never made.

However, thanks for inadvertently making my point. A femme lesbian might wear makeup. A butch almost certainly would not.

Hey Nalani, could you bitchslap him for me please? :D

Don't you think it would be a little hypocritical for her to bitchslap me for 'stereotypical bs' in a thread she started containing the oldest, most blatantly untrue, stereotypical myth that all lesbians are butch dykes?[/b]
BadBrain said:
Don't you think it would be a little hypocritical for her to bitchslap me for 'stereotypical bs' in a thread she started containing the oldest, most blatantly untrue, stereotypical myth that all lesbians are butch dykes?[/b]

before I get really pissed off and start bluring out crap that I probably shouldn't, I suggest you go back to my original post and read what it is that I wrote because that is NOT what I said ... at ll :mad2: :grumpy:
I read what you wrote. I'll summarize it:

"I was at Walmart and a 'butchy looking' woman asked me on a date. Holyphreakingcow. Do I look like 'a butchy'?"

I also read the title of the thread:

"Do I look like a Dyke???"

Whether you specifically wrote it or not, implied in this story, and the question you ask, is that all lesbians are butch.

Think about it: a butchy looking woman hit on you so you questioned whether you look like a butch as if there were no other types of lesbians. That all lesbians are butches is the single most prevalent untrue stereotype about lesbians. And you perpetuated it with this thread -- intentionally or not.

An awareness or sensitivity to the fact that lesbians have all kinds of different syles and that some are very feminine (and that a butch is more likely to be attracted to a more tradionally feminine woman) would have led to a thread like:

"I got hit on by a complete stranger today -- a butchy woman at the Walmart. I must be doing something right. What a nice boost of my self-esteem"

Instead of

"I got hit on by a complete strager today -- a butchy woman at the Walmart. I must look butchy too. I think I am now officially clinically depressed"

do I LOOK like a DYKE?????
geez BB .. I don't remember you being this much of a jerk before ... what's your problem?

You obviously didn't read many of my other replies on this thread because if you had, you would have seen that I was not being stereotypical and that I do actually, believe it or not, have gay and lesbian friends and family members (even though you're attempting, for some unknown reason, to make me out to be an hater) ... I was stunned .. it was a first experience for me ... sue me for trippin :rolleyes:

Also, much of this was said and meant lightheartedly, unless you failed to notice the trillion smily faces .... take a pill ...

btw - everything you "quoted" me as saying, with the exception of the title, were YOUR thoughts .. not MY words ...
this was nice:
BadBrain said:
So, if a butch lesbian hit on you it does not mean she thinks you look like a dyke. She may just find you to be an attractive woman with the same qualities a straight man is looking for.

however, your next comment was not nice BB, i hope you didn't meant that as a personal attack to nalani, 'cause she's not like that.

God, for an omnicient being, you're an idiot.

Nal, have you considered that this 'butchy' woman might have been a man? Just a thought.
I thought Hawaii was an American state? :confuse3: :confuse2: :biker:

i dont know if there are any threads regarding this but on jjr512 nal and ku have both stated that they feel hawaii is not part of america(although i maybe misquoting here and if i am i apologise for that and hope i dont get bitchslapped) *bitchslaps justin cause he insulted nal and his face is all tneder now*
Hawaii is governed by the central US government it is true... But the native populace still considers it to be a separate entity in the hearts and actions. Think of it from the standpoint of the native indian tribes across the full length of the Americas. They existed there for 10s of tousands of years. Europe comes in, slaps a few people about... builds a few cities, claims the land at the point of a gun, shoves people about... claims it from the local 'savages'. A few hundred years go by and the settling forces are now native by birth.. but are not of the original indigenous culture. The natives fall back and keep to themselves, keep up with tradition and ceremony and language... all the while accepting, but not liking the invasive force that wasn't asked for... but is tolerated because they are simply outnumbered and stand to be wiped out. They bide their time until mankind chills out from their colonial urges and warfare state and achieve more of a Star Trek global cooperative harmoy where they can say.. *cough* .. 'guys, thats my ancestral turf. Give it back... you dont necissarily have to vamoose.. You just have to play by our rules and respect our cultural baselline from now on.'

Its pretty much something that is common all over the world. The aborigonees, mayas, atzecs, jew, palestinian, pretty much 1000 little groups out there that have been under a region that is claimed by a greater governing body... but still considers itself to be a separate entity. They would just assume have total independence again and be without a military or economic protections rather than call someone 5000 miles away, king or president. Its a matter of pride that exists within all of us wether we admit to it or not.
unclehobart said:
Its pretty much something that is common all over the world. The aborigonees, mayas, atzecs, jew, palestinian, pretty much 1000 little groups out there that have been under a region that is claimed by a greater governing body... but still considers itself to be a separate entity. They would just assume have total independence again and be without a military or economic protections rather than call someone 5000 miles away, king or president. Its a matter of pride that exists within all of us wether we admit to it or not.

Let's be sure to ignore the fact that the "native" populations of many of those places were not the first ones there either. They were, in fact, invaders who either wiped out or subjugated and intermingled with the previous inhabitants, who may have been invaders to the area themselves. Where does it stop? How about with the realization that regardless of what race we are, we're all individuals? If we ever make it off this rock to colonize space, it will have to be on that basis. If we continue to cling to the tribalism of the past, we're going to remain mired in internecine warfare. (Wasn't that what the original Star Trek was all about?)
That is also true. But there are a few places that can be acheologicaly proven that some populaces, like Hawaii, are native from day one. Some places, like Persia, have been overrun and intermingled 10 times over. There is pretty much a 0% chance of finding original culture either by blood or language.

Most of the elder original races and their legacies were wiped out long before concentrated efforts at documentation or construction or linguistics were about to leave a mark. Most of those tribal types were very nomadic, therefore they would be unable to claom a spot as 'home' or native ground. That requires a certain effort at settlement.
All this and I was just attempting to point out that Hawaiians are also Americans, unlike Canadians. :biker:

Yeah, well what did you expect? Everytime you sneeze it starts a war. And while I have your ear, you should really pick a prophet and stick with him, you know? Get it all written down in one book, or maybe even put it online... this is the twenty-first century, after all. :p ;)
unc explains it best - better than I can - and without all the emotions attached to it. Thank you, Unc.

Most of you know how me and ku'u feel about the whole "American" issue so I'll say no more here. If you really want to know, go see the thread at JJR's.

*hugs for backing me up in the first place*