Do I see Satan...


New Member
...wearing mittens and gloves? Because I am now the proud owner of what passes for tennis shoes in the Girl scout camp guide regulations! Pretty comfy too.

I'm still in shock.
You don't wear mittens AND gloves silly...unless you live in Canada in the middle of winter...but that's only the coldest days.
Dude, blazer weather is positively balmy...and if YOU'RE wearing a blazer that likely means it's t-shirt weather for me...that's down right HOT! -40, you can count on your fingers the reasons why you really should've been wearing gloves - all 6 reasons!

Frostbite's a bitch!
You don't wear mittens AND gloves silly...

I didn't realize there was anything wrong with that sentence :D I don't think I ever owned mittens or gloves :D

And you will all probably have a good laugh at me when I admit that I'm FREEZING at 60F. 70F is chilly. When I visited California and it hit 40F, I stopped functioning :D
Same temperature that all bullshit freezes at... 0C... unless the bull just pooped... in which case it steams a bit first... :D
I didn't realize there was anything wrong with that sentence :D I don't think I ever owned mittens or gloves :D

And you will all probably have a good laugh at me when I admit that I'm FREEZING at 60F. 70F is chilly. When I visited California and it hit 40F, I stopped functioning :D

I am in complete concurrance.
And you will all probably have a good laugh at me when I admit that I'm FREEZING at 60F. 70F is chilly. When I visited California and it hit 40F, I stopped functioning :D.

My dear, when it gets anywhere near freezing I wear polar fleece undies... not to mention, socks, gloves, scarf and hat indoors... LOL
when it hits 115 we wear barely nuthin'

well unless ya gotta be out in the Sun
then its cover up or FRY!
Anything under 70 is COLD to this thin-blooded Texan.

As far as heat goes, I don't really get uncomfortable until it hits 100.