do u think war

War is bad. just because we are forced to take part in a war even if our role is a just one, does not make war good.
I think if I see much more of the "term" 'u' being posted here...peaceluvin' treehuggin' Leslie is gonna be feeling like dropping some bombs herself :lloyd:
Jeslek said:
So you're saying all of the big wars in the previous century could have been solved diplomatically? :rolleyes:

and youd rather more people die. and yes i am. violence isnt the answer. there is always another way.
Freako, please tell that to the millions who died in German concentration camps. How many more might have died while we pursued a "diplomatic" settlement.

War is inherently bad. It is also an occassional necessity.
You'll have a different opinion if you were locked in a concentration camp, to be gassed in three days, and then the Allies with their "bad war" rolls in, frees the people, starts feeding them, and in general saves a lot of people.
No, he's obviously having problems separating the definition from the context.

Read my reply again, Jeslek, and think about it.

edited because I can't type.
War is good just ask Saddam or the deceased Hitler. They will set u str8.

Actually war is bad.

One must ask the question though is it really an act of war to save innocent lives?

Is it a act of war when the police save a women from her estranged boyfreind weiling a CLUB threatening to beat her? Yes they save her but the boyfreind gets his ass pounded to the ground.

How about a true incident that happend to me in down town St. Paul.

My freinds and I were in a White Castle at around 3 in the morning. Anyway the people at the table next to us had a whole table full of fries. I mean they literally ad the whole table stacked with fries and that is what they were eating absurd as it may sound. Anyway we all noticed and one of my freinds said to them

"Why did you order so much fries."

Not much later this chick with 1" long nails jumps up and starts scratching my freinds face and her three gumba's start attacking us although there were more of us and we of course were bigger. So one of the idiots runs out to his car and grabs a gun, runs back in and points it at us. It was a freakin mess. We back off and say whoa whoa..... They then started trying to beat up on us with one guy holding the gun at us so we wouldn't fight back. Anyway in the end the cops showed up without any shots being fired luckily but for the guys pulling the guns they got their asses beat to a pulp by the cops. I mean I swore one of cops tried to break the guy holding the guns neck.Never seen a man go down that fast face first into the concrete then the cop smashed his foot into his neck holding his face into the concrete.

Did I feel remoprse for those sad assholes getting their ass kicked? No not in the least.

Was the violence warranted?

I don't know the dam asshole was holding a GUN!

I don't think any cop is going to take a chance with a guy like that, I sure wouldn't.

I suppose the cop could have gambled and asked the gentelman nicely,

"Hey sir holding the gun. Can we sit down and talk about this over a cup of coffe?"

Yeah right. I don't think cops are gambling men with their lives or the lives of others.

Why should we be?
....And what war was that anyway? The White Castle Revoloution? The war of fries and guns? :tardbang:
HomeLAN said:
Freako, please tell that to the millions who died in German concentration camps. How many more might have died while we pursued a "diplomatic" settlement.

War is inherently bad. It is also an occassional necessity.

too many would have. however as i said before giving power to a sick bastard does nothing thats why i hate sadam. but im anti war on general purpose. for once i agree with ol' man. however id like to think and im positive that there is another way without resorting to violence. besides think of Nagasaki and Okinawa. they were decimated because of war. think of how many innocent civilians were killed. war is nothing but death and pain and sorrow. hopefully sick bastards like Hitler and Hussein will never come into power again.
Okinawa is & was okay. You're thinking Hirosima :D

War is bad. There are times that it is inevitable & even needed. Take the power hungry, greedy, self-important malcontents out of the mix & that could change. As long as one person has the ability & the want for some kind of domination over others, especially in a head of state position, war will have to be an option. Never good but sometimes necessary.
Gonz said:
Okinawa is & was okay. You're thinking Hirosima

thanks gonz i got my names confused and to clarify i believe we have a right to defend ourselves thast why i agreed with ol'man.
where he said was it the right decision i dont know. see his life was in jeopardy. the guy had a gun on him. he has a right to defend himself. now look at the country in that same text. Sadam hates us with a passion thats no secret. and he could attack us. we as a country should be allowed to defend ourselves. but id rather there be a different way and im sure there is, we should defend our citizens just as ol'man should have and did defend himself
MR T said:

then it would be nice to hear your opinion on this issue...

asking a question is one thing, but at least put a bit of effort in the discussion that follows...
That was his opinion. 'bump' is just the language of the street. It means : The geopolitical construct ruse of modern man relying upon the outer elements of the Fruedian 'hival ID' comsignment strata mentality makes it a padradoxial necessity of the wolfpack biological ideology.