What I think you fail to understand is that there is almost no such thing as the welfare you describe. In my state there are three types of welfare, all for legitimate purposes. The first, and most likely to be abused, is called ADATSA, (don't ask me what exactly that stands for) it is for treatment of folks with drug and alcohol problems. There is a limit on how much eligibility someone has and it is a three month program that pays for treatment. Three month extensions are sometimes granted but six months is the maximum. The second kind is TANF, which is temporary assistance for needy families. This is what an unwed mother or mother with small children who gets left, or leaves her husband is eligible for. There is a 60 month total one can use this in a lifetime. Job training and job search skills are taught.
The final kind is called GAU/GAX, which is general assistance unemployable and I am not sure what the X is. This is for folks who are unable to support themselves through gainful employment. Now I have a close relative that fits this category, although she has been awarded SSA/SSI benefits. In any case these people are almost always pending a decision from the Social Security Administration about disability benefits. If you ever knew anyone who won their Social Security benefits, you will know it is a difficult process, and while I am sure their are abuses, as there are in any program of this type, I think most of the folks legitimately need the assistance.
Take the case of my aunt, see this is where it gets somewhat tricky. She has physical and mental disabilities that make long term gainful employment an impossibility at this time. She is receiving treatment and making every effort to improve. She has no desire to stay on the dole, but for now it seems to be a necessary evil. She is a capable woman capable of very fine work, the trouble is, she is not capable of keeping a schedule or of maintaining stability, or holding a job for the long term. The worst part though, is that she has medical needs that are EXTREMELY costly. She would have about a snowball's prayer in hell of finding insurance that would even accept her, and even if she did it would be cost prohibitive to all but the very wealthy. The Medicare and Medicaid she receives are a Godsend, and if not for them, she would very likely be dead. Her conditions are treatable and even somewhat reversible thank God, but as with any such thing it can be slow going.
Here's the flaw in that system. As I already stated, my aunt is a very smart and capable woman, aside from her problems. She would very likely be capable of earning her own living in some way, perhaps something non-conventional. The trouble is, that if she was to do that, all of the THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of dollars of medical care would land squarely in her lap. The program does not allow for folks to be self supporting, yet continue to provide medical care that they need. Basically it offers every incentive to stay disabled, since it is the only way such people can get adequate medical care. My aunt can potentially get her medical conditions to a state in which she has some light at the end of the tunnel, but as I said it is a long arduous process. She has had opportunities to do work which would have paid for her living, and given her much needed self esteem, but because of the trap of medical care she has had to turn such opportunities down.
So you can see that my opinion is that there is no significant welfare problem in this state. In any system there are abuses, but they are far less common than you would think. For the most part whining about welfare, (1% of the federal budget) is just a Republican mainstay so they can avoid dealing with actual issues. It gives them a common villain and we all know what political capital that affords them. The welfare reform of the 90s is what put us where we are today. Welfare reform has been finished, mission accomplished, for years now! If anything needs to be reformed it's health care.
You folks that have never needed help like this, or never had close family members who have, you can spout your bullshit opinions until the cows come home, but I guarantee, that if anyone in your family, or God forbid you yourself is ever up against it, you'll change your tune with a quickness!
The final kind is called GAU/GAX, which is general assistance unemployable and I am not sure what the X is. This is for folks who are unable to support themselves through gainful employment. Now I have a close relative that fits this category, although she has been awarded SSA/SSI benefits. In any case these people are almost always pending a decision from the Social Security Administration about disability benefits. If you ever knew anyone who won their Social Security benefits, you will know it is a difficult process, and while I am sure their are abuses, as there are in any program of this type, I think most of the folks legitimately need the assistance.
Take the case of my aunt, see this is where it gets somewhat tricky. She has physical and mental disabilities that make long term gainful employment an impossibility at this time. She is receiving treatment and making every effort to improve. She has no desire to stay on the dole, but for now it seems to be a necessary evil. She is a capable woman capable of very fine work, the trouble is, she is not capable of keeping a schedule or of maintaining stability, or holding a job for the long term. The worst part though, is that she has medical needs that are EXTREMELY costly. She would have about a snowball's prayer in hell of finding insurance that would even accept her, and even if she did it would be cost prohibitive to all but the very wealthy. The Medicare and Medicaid she receives are a Godsend, and if not for them, she would very likely be dead. Her conditions are treatable and even somewhat reversible thank God, but as with any such thing it can be slow going.
Here's the flaw in that system. As I already stated, my aunt is a very smart and capable woman, aside from her problems. She would very likely be capable of earning her own living in some way, perhaps something non-conventional. The trouble is, that if she was to do that, all of the THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of dollars of medical care would land squarely in her lap. The program does not allow for folks to be self supporting, yet continue to provide medical care that they need. Basically it offers every incentive to stay disabled, since it is the only way such people can get adequate medical care. My aunt can potentially get her medical conditions to a state in which she has some light at the end of the tunnel, but as I said it is a long arduous process. She has had opportunities to do work which would have paid for her living, and given her much needed self esteem, but because of the trap of medical care she has had to turn such opportunities down.
So you can see that my opinion is that there is no significant welfare problem in this state. In any system there are abuses, but they are far less common than you would think. For the most part whining about welfare, (1% of the federal budget) is just a Republican mainstay so they can avoid dealing with actual issues. It gives them a common villain and we all know what political capital that affords them. The welfare reform of the 90s is what put us where we are today. Welfare reform has been finished, mission accomplished, for years now! If anything needs to be reformed it's health care.
You folks that have never needed help like this, or never had close family members who have, you can spout your bullshit opinions until the cows come home, but I guarantee, that if anyone in your family, or God forbid you yourself is ever up against it, you'll change your tune with a quickness!